Bioponica demonstrating bioponics and simple explanation of difference and similarity from/between hydroponics and aquaponics. Bioponics is soilless, like hydroponics and aquaponics but it’s different because unlike hydroponics, it does not use chemicals. It’s different from aquaponics because while it supports fish raising, it is not dependent on fish for fertilizer nor on the (Purina) feeds to feed them. It’s all about sustainable soilless growing, where it’s possible to close the loop by recycling organic biomass into liquid fertilizer to feed everything in the soilless growing system.

What is Bioponics? How it Compares to Hydroponics and Aquaponics

About The Author


  • Grayhand

    There's nothing new here. People having been raising fish along with their food for thousands of years. I've seen plenty of people do exactly the same thing so even separating the fish from the food is nothing new. I've been calling it semi closed system farming. The problem is all you're adding into the system is what comes from the air, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon. Plants and humans need micronutrients to stay healthy and live. They may look green but with no other inputs they are weak and open to pests and disease. Most address this by adding red wiggler worms into the system and maybe some compost and compost tea. It doesn't take a lot so you aren't harming the fish. It's why I call it semi closed system because to stay healthy you need some inputs. One of the reasons hydroponic tomatoes got such a bad rap years ago was they focused on nitrogen and phosphorus in the nutrients and the plants weren't getting enough minerals to add flavor. Better quality nutrients or aquaponics gets rid of this issue. Remember things like magnesium are elements and the plants can't get it from the air so if there are no inputs where is it coming from? Every time you harvest whatever of these mineral that made it into your system are being removed so everything that leaves say in the form of a tomato needs to be restored. You can even add rock dust into the system but it has to be added sparingly so as not to harm the fish or gum up the works. If you add in some food scraps for the worms to eat you can even dust the scraps with rock dust so the worms eat it and it gets added to the worm castings. You can get by for a while but plant health and nutrition will decline over time. Most commercial aquaponic systems don't have the issue because they buy fish food. The fish food adds in those missing nutrients to the system. I like using a prefilter box to collect solid waste and that's a perfect place to add in some rock dust if you use worms. They eat the solid waste and turn it into castings which is more digestible to plants. To add in compost most bury bottles or tubes in the media with the tops capped so you can refill them. Holes are drilled in the sides to allow the worms in and out as well as the water which washes out the worm castings feeding the plants. Nature is complex so if you over simplify you're probably leaving something out.

  • At Mjm

    love you all bkz we symbiotic. and thats the best simplest symphony alongside all our approaches it still goes down to the roots. we all square, lets find the root. it aint fossil feul like the lie we was told wen we liked the dinosaurs. bkz peak oil is ova n its actually finite HydroPetroCarboChemo. IDIOCRACY, GATORADE the plants with BRAWNDO; The Thirst Mutilator insted of water, our top soils bin shot to shyt., Thomas DEEP-BLUE Jane 'DONT MESS WIT DA AQUA' (Sorry for qouting The Expanse scene again, cnt help it, season 2 cnt w8) i digress. im shud b a shaimefool kunt i know ;(

  • At Mjm

    dont mess wit da Aqua, quote un" sheriff of the Belterzzz DEEP BLUE SEA Thomas Jane DaPUNIsher EXPANSE SEASON 2,. c'mon SYFY whooopWHOOOp bigUP. BELTERS MARS EARTH undiscoverd Navoo hydroponicaWARS. peace y'all x muah hollyValance x x

  • At Mjm

    ova smatifyn mizah twart, yup yup bigup sales boooponica., im no genius bt dnt need to relable sumfin bkz yr soo creative pioneer of the wtf dum new world, feed it gatorAID. wish i had time to spell out yr geniusness mrMIZAH., USE YR HEAD- ITS POSSIBLE-uHY TU feedZ yr thelafia o Ne fish fu that matter without buying tescoFISHFEED., if oly ud used that genius cell not to plump the BIG I dea to wordify yr WORD BOOHOOOPONIKA. food for fish brain thogt, i wonda what fish ate b4 ready-made driveTHRU. new approach or simplyng a method or evn to skip 1step dont reli require RENAME YR NAME ONTHE DOOR duz it? cam on brav dont lie tu meh naou BE HONEST. LANDAN TAWN. LOL ooops ment London,., i know n can c the 1z that saw u coming hence im saying what they thogt,., ps btw brov sorry for being a twat about it, im a twat i know, but had to be said,., any1 agree ryt?..,,, u knw who u r, jus agree in silence. london streets yo

  • Richard Gladle

    Great looking :)micro eco-system(: with the benefit of sustanence… Thank you. I had a brief learning of aquaponics. I like it. I have also briefly studied horticulture. Someday perhaps I may get a chance to build a nice aquaponic greenhouse. I have solar thermal theories as a way to warm the planting medium or the water ponds. I have seen videos on. YOU TUBE that say warm water benefits the fish and I know a warm greenhouse helps plants to grow. Someday I will have a video.

  • Richard Gladle

    Great looking :)micro eco-system(: with the benefit of sustanence… Thank you. I had a brief learning of aquaponics. I like it. I have also briefly studied horticulture. Someday perhaps I may get a chance to build a nice aquaponic greenhouse. I have solar thermal theories as a way to warm the planting medium or the water ponds. I have seen videos on. YOU TUBE that say warm water benefits the fish and I know a warm greenhouse helps plants to grow. Someday I will have a video.

  • Robert0Pirie

    This video and the comments in a nut shell…
    YouTube Channel: There should be an organic aquaponics system that doesn't use fish.
    Viewers: Awesome! What did you have in mind?
    You Tube Channel: I named it "bioponics" and here's my proof of concept!
    Video plays
    Viewers: That model includes fish… it's a nice set up but it is not fishless.
    You Tube Channel: But it doesn't require fish because seven minutes and fifty five seconds of technobable!
    Viewers: Then why did you include them?
    YouTube Channel: It doesn't require fish!
    Viewers: We heard you the first time… you still included fish in your set up so does it require fish or doesn't it?
    YouTube Channel: It included fish but it doesn't need to!
    Viewers: sigh Then why did this step up have fish!?!?!

  • David Epstein

    @syedabdulla "this person" is me and my name is David. It is not basically aquaponics. It is fish optional. We are not amending, but providing full nutrient needs with organic biomass. Compost tea is great for microbes but is not a biomass suitable for making liquid fertilizer.

  • Syed Abdullah

    So this person basically has a system thats aquaponics with added "organic biomass", but is somehow not "dependent" on the fish. So really, this isnt revolutionary, people have been addind amendments to their aquaponic systems for ages. Compost tea is one of those which I assume would be considered organic biomass

  • Ed19601

    how is this more sustainable than aquaponics??
    I really dont get it. You say 'because not dependent on fish' but then how you feed the plants? Ok biomass, but aren't you dependend on biomass then?
    Do I understand you throw biomass in that water and then pump that up?

  • Jake Jones

    I've also got a Bioponics system, which has been cycled for a month and a half.
    My question is what are your target ranges for :
    Ammonia, PH, Nitrites & Nitrates?