plant widely used in Japan as bonsai, native to Asia, in nature it can reach 9-10 meters in height; it has conical, very dense foliage, with 5-7 lobed leaves, light green, which turn red-orange in autumn. Very decorative, it presents some cultivation difficulties, being quite delicate, however it can also be cultivated by a beginner […]

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hi, i bought some bonsai seeds (although i know they don’t exist) but i don’t know how to plant them. I bought them from a website and in the instructions they say to put them in the jar they gave me with the discs of soil and then to close it in a plastic bag […]

Read more Dear Vittorio, your bonsai a ficus, from the foliage it could be a ficus benjamin, or even a ficus retusa; it is an indoor plant, which prefers fairly bright positions, but fears direct sunlight. The evergreen ficus, and therefore the shoots, must be topped throughout the year; if the leaves grow excessively large, the […]

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Hello everyone! Today they gave me a bonsai, which apparently from the plate should be a Zelkova, for looking carefully at the leaves it seems to me it looks more like a carmona .. also the surface of the leaves is not smooth, but rough with white hairs. . I would also like to know […]

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My bronzai Serissa is infested with spider mites, what should I do to eliminate them? Dear Hector, spider mites are among the most difficult parasites to find, because they are tiny in size, and can only be seen with a magnifying glass; however, we note the typical characteristics of the infestation of these mites: presence […]

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Hi 🙂 I recently planted two weeping willow cuttings and would like to know how long I have to wait before starting to educate future plants that will grow (if they can take root). Dear reader, often the bonsai lovers prepare plants from cuttings or layering, because in this way it is quicker to obtain […]

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hi, I have recently got a so-called ginseng bonsai at home, and I would like to have some information on how to look after it. I have no idea how old it is, however it was bought a year ago but it was kept at my father-in-law’s house, who in this period pruned it without […]

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Hi! My name is Katia … and I wanted advice on how to fertilize my bonsai if possible.When buying my bonsai (I have a Privet, an Elm and a Ficus ginseng) about 4 weeks ago, I also bought the liquid fertilizer for bonsai with microelements . But I have never fertilized yet. Behind my bottle […]

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Hi I had already posted a question about Ilex Crenata, well lately there is some problem with the leaves, they are starting to dry out and fall, even the branches are starting to dry out, I made a first thinning of the dead branches, the plant was temporarily always inside home, I would not like […]

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Can the olive tree bonsai be grown at home? Dear Pierpaolo, olive trees are typical plants of the Mediterranean climate, as such to survive and vegetate at their best they must be grown in a climate as similar to the Mediterranean one, especially if grown as bonsai, that is in a tiny pot and with […]

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Hi my name is dino and I wanted to know if an olive tree hunt about 30cm high can become a bansai and how can I put it in a vase. Dear Dino, with the term hunting I believe that you mean a basal sucker, that is a straight and vigorous branch that develops from […]

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Hi, I just bought an olive tree bonsai about 30-35 cm high in a nursery in Imola. I would like to know everything there is to know about how to take care of bonsai and if there are any guides in the bookstore. Thanks in advance Dear David, taking care of bonsai is a real […]

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Hi! I’m Martina and I have had an elm bonsai for three years. This spring for the first time I repotted it and since then I have been using the fertilizer regularly, despite this the leaves have completely dried up for a few weeks and even if it had already happened this time I fear […]

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Hi I have a pepper bonsai for about a month .. for about 15 days my bonsai has a part of the tree that is losing leaves and many are dark and dry .. I water it once a day and keep it indoors with a window close where the sun does not shine anyway. […]

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hello, I have a ficus retusa that has lost all its leaves and now they are starting to grow back in the upper part, the rest of the branches are bare. Is there a chance that it will come back full of leaves in all its branches? particular? thanks, greetings. Dear Francesco, the loss of […]

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