This is how I plant my wide row, trellis beds — from beginning to end. This bed contains three arched trellises for green beans that are made from 50″ x 16′ cattle panels. Construction was very simple and the effect is going to be beautiful when the green beans begin to run on them. See TexasPrepper2 YouTube page to see some other amazing things to do with these inexpensive materials.

The bed rows are 25′ X 3′ with a 24″ walkway between rows. Between the two beds, there is a 16′ row of asparagus (yard-long) beans, a 16′ row of rattlesnake pole beans, two basil plants, two pepper plants, two eggplants, two tomato plants, six marigolds, straight neck squash, crook-neck squash, zucchini, a cilantro plant, a cutting celery plant, and a short row (4′) of carrots.

Why so much variety? My planting strategy is to maximize production, invite pollinators, and confuse potential pests by the use of vegetable, herb, and flower companions.The soil has been amended with minerals and organic fertilizer (Azomite, Agricola, and chicken manure).
The planting area has also been heavily mulched with chopped oak leaves which will decompose to add much needed organic material to these beds. Heirloom seeds were used for the vegetables and the herbs and flowers were obtained at a local greenhouse.
The walking paths are mulched with scrap paper and pine straw which does not break down as quickly as the oak leaves.
My seed sources include: Baker Seed Company (, High Mowing Seeds (, Heirloom Seeds (, Southern Exposure Seeds (
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Planting Green Beans: Trellis Garden

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