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This video is about how to Recruit a team in your network marketing (Juice Plus) Business.

Juice plus question answered

| Hydroponic Gardening | 23 Comments
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  • Jonathon Dunn

    You are very right about the funding part in research. I'm a medical researcher and the scientists don't pay attention or care about who paid for a study. The money either comes from a private company, all pharmaceutical companies have to do it yet people take those drugs, or from taxes. It is also against federal law to have any contact with the company under certain circumstances and the research group until the conclusion is ready to be reviewed or the company decides to cancel the study. The stuff not to believe are what are called the 'White Papers' from companies. They are a company do a "study" themselves, with their own researchers, in their own labs, with no oversight.

  • Moon Glow

    I looked at your website. If I click the buy now button, will I be required to purchase a subscription? I would like to try it….dealing with Lyme here. I saw the interview you did with your business partner. I am also a subscriber of your YouTube channel.

  • Bree M

    Hi Alana, I'm one of your new subscribers, originally from Australia but I live now in the UK, just wanted to thank you for sharing your life, I'm truly grateful to have found your channel. This particular video is the first I found after searching juice plus and I watch it anytime I need inspiration. Working my way thru your other videos. Feel like I (kinda) know you now (lol) so wanted to say hi and say thanks! Have a wonderful day! Bree X

  • David Marquez

    This is so untrue. Juice Plus contains ZERO vitamins coming from dehydrated fruits or vegetables. The few vitamins that are in the product label come from an added suplemental vitamin – way inferior and way more expensive than any multivitamin you can buy in any supermarket. Why did they have to add vitamins to it? Because their dehydration process removed the natural nutrients! This is the most overpriced and incomplete vitamin you could ever buy. Think about it, juice plus contains fruit powder but it is not a concentrated form of it – it simply is dehydrated fruit – how much nutrition can you get from two small tiny capsules of dehydrated (and dead) fruit?

  • hairstylistmom38

    question for you. what are your thoughts on Doterra essential oils? I've been researching and am wondering your thoughts if it has a witchcrafty feel about it. I just don't know if I'm over thinking it..

  • Gina A.

    Thank you girl! 🙂 Now I know how to explain it or I can send them this video! Lol cause sometimes I want to tell people about it but I don't know how. Thanks a ton!

  • emma james

    hey! thank you too much for making this video ! i literally have 10 pages of notes! i would love to pick your brain about how to introduce the start up costs ? thanks xxx

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