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******** MUSIC *******
RJD2- Album “More than isn’t” Song: Tempermental
RJD2- Album “More than isn’t” Song: Bathwater
RJD2 – Album “Dead Ringer” Song: “Ghostwriter”
Video Rating: / 5
Hecz got the greatest outro on YouTube
yo i wish i was there, i live there man, i wish ive known about this!
Will's face at 6:02 I'm weak lol
You know we're Big T went he's chopping in the bathroom
LMAO@ 4:51 hecz is like "really"
pretty dope that he called faze at and optic book signing for some random kid good guy hecz
Will that was so weird..
Check out her channel…. Miss WolfPackLeader
iSpy my daughter at 8:11–8:14 :-)
BigT hooked the outro up PHAT!
"book signing" I didn't see any books lol
7:47 this dude is tall as fuck
BigT nailed the outro !
Mboze can't even go to his home state to rep the brand smh
Your cinematics are way to long man I understand why they are there but their current length really distract from the video as a hole.
There is Latin "Luke Skywalker" nuff said
The outro getting good now hecz
I fucking loved the outro
Will does the outro better then u do it Hecz!
Congrats on the launch of the book! OpTic making moves! I pre-ordered mine and it's sick!