As seen on Hydroshow TV SE1.1 EP2

Perhaps you’re looking for the ultimate grow tent setup? Perhaps you walk around your local hydro store, seeing all the gismos and gadgets, and say to yourself, “if only I could afford some of these”.

Well, in reflection to the video from episode 1 where we build a budget tent system, we presented Nick and Gemma with a challenge, to build the best grow tent that money can buy.

Gro Supplies in Newcastle helped out Nick

NPK Technology of Liverpool helped out Gemma

For diagrams of this setup, please see issue 008 of Hydromag;

See the articles from Hydromag alongside our hydroponic videos @
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“grow box” “grow boxes” “hydroponics system” “hydroponic system” “grow cabinet” “grow box plans” “stealth grow box” “grow cabinets” Grow “How to grow” Hydroponics “Growing Kit” “Growing Room” “Grow Box” Stealth Indoor Gardening Supercloset “indoor grow box” indoor grow system
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#10 – How to build a hydroponic grow box or grow tent system no expense spared

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  • multisomebodyelse notme

    hilarious it was was like a comedy where they go in a shop an say "rip me off with the craziest fad crap u need to get rid of from your shop and we'll film u doing it"-lol-poor bunch of ripped off dudes
    nutes =160 quid
    or dirt instead of buckets and nutes= 100 quid:)

  • sally king

    i would have suggested a Trojan Tent  height adjustable grow tent they are really well made with really thick material and much bigger poles up to 25mm  and metal corners, you can see these at 
    they are new so maybe they do not know about them.

  • Steve miller

    when you say just plug and grow, just what exactly do you mean? are there complete instructions on how to? and does any kind of seed grow in them? can someone with no experience, with growing anything at all, succeed in growing in these systems?

  • Superponics Hydroponics

    Supercloset always wins best overall system every year. The main reasons I can think of (check their bullet points as well) are: 24 inch deep cabinets (33% more growth), 16 guage "Infra-Cool" Metal cabinets that are COMPLETELY light sealed, cross-ventilated fans, properly air-cooled lights (notice the Hgrown-hydro ones do not air-cool them right, the air comes from the box not from the outside, so you can never use CO2), a net trellis (grow 40% more), adjustable veg. shelf, lights on yoyo's…

  • Superponics Hydroponics

    Yes, I help them with their videos and am familiar with their systems for sure. In general, ebb n flow is good for bigger plants which can be grown in the taller delux, and is less risky, though they both work very well. And yes, their digital ballasts run both HPS and MH. Between your choices i say go with the delux. you can grow your plants really tall because the veggie shelf and lights are adjustable and you save a ton of time with a separate veg. chamber for a continual cycle.

  • sckmyballsofsteel

    thanks for gettin back…

    you seem to know a little about these guys, so what can you tell me about the advantages of the ebb and flo in the delux versus the drip 2.0 in the smaller boxes?

    as far as lights go im gonna have to go with the tried and tru… MH then HPS… the plants just look happier and healthier… i can run both off the ballast that comes in the unit correct?

    if i get one its between the cube flower or delux… decisions… the convenience is the key

  • Superponics Hydroponics

    Yes, that drip system 2.0 is for both Cube and Flower and their new Superfile cabinets. They custom anything you want, they are true professionals. i think they really recommend HPS over LED's until LED's get better results but they will definitely make you one. They only use the best of everything so they would probably recommend the new 2 or brand new 5 watt LED's. Anything else is a waste of money and time.

  • sckmyballsofsteel

    is that drip system shown there the same as the one that comes in the cube and superflower? with the flow from underneath as well..?

    i want to ask them if they would custom rig an LED version….

  • Superponics Hydroponics

    HIghly recommended. Supercloset just won best overall hydroponics system again for 2008 (5th year in a row!)
    They come with absolutely everything and come with an unbelievable 3 year warranty on EVERYTHING! All their systems come fully assembled, just plug and grow.

  • Dave C

    I bought my Cube about 5 months ago and it looks exactly like this! My crop grows about an 1" a day and I have to trim it back all the time. It's good to see Supercloset on youtube though, they're a really rockin' bunch of guys and have always been 'super' chill and helpful. Nice video dudes!

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