You can save big money and you can enjoy your own fresh veggies if you decide to grow them yourself.…

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Raised Bed Vegetable Garden Install from Start to Finish

John from shows you from start to finish how to take an abandoned backyard space and transform it into a edible vegetable garden. In this episode, you will learn most everything you will need to know to start growing your food. You will discover the process that John goes through to select the best soil, build the raised beds, layout the raised beds, plant the raised beds and even install the drip irrigation system with a timer. This project took about 2 days to complete. Including 1 day sourcing all materials, and 1 day putting it all together.

Balcony Vegetable Garden Ideas for Apartments

About The Author


  • pariapsara

    Where there is a will there is a way. If people love gardening and want to grow stuff, no matter how limited the space they can grow plants and veggies.

  • Jo C

    Very helpful thanks! live in Ky, so got to do the mix based on plants. Watched celery likes moist soil. Live in an apt. so going to do some pvc across backporch for strawberries, maybe crates, or buckets or bags, or mix and match. want to do some celery, strawberries, romaine & red lettuce, spinach, carrots, maybe few pepper but very few only for garden fresh salsa. some herbs, Zuchinni in front, does well there, tomatoes here and there, got the early girl not sure to use stakes or cages. stakes might look good but not sure if I can do it right. but stakes cost less.
    so.. can do about 40-50 ft of pcv. got to watch more videos to decide what will do better where. would like to do cantelope, cucumbers… watermelon would be fun but don't know how to pull that off vertically.
    but any who thank you.. for the video. have a nice day!

  • Reese McFarlane

    i can't find none of this stuff in Florida…i wanted to do the same
    thing as you step by step….I live in north Port, Fl….Please Please

  • Leo Ortega

    Been watching a lot of your videos John. I am learning too. Thanks! Just wanted to say that I am making two raised beds for my backyard and found that Kelloggs Raised Bed & Potting Mix has most of what you recommend in it. It is a dollar more for the 3cf bag vs the Kelloggs Natural Garden Soil you used in the video, but you do not have to buy perlite, peat moss, or other additives other than the rock dust your recommend. I actually saved money on the second bed where I used Kelloggs Raised Bed & Potting Mix. BTW… It is OMRI as well. Now to find that rock dust….

  • Sassy Frassy

    Yes, home depot is far cheaper than lowes, pretty much on everything! Every time I've bought soil from walmart, it's had mold in it due to the soil not being under a roof.

  • Lex Nuss

    Sadly, Las Vegas means the fertile plains. But, then again, the Mormon God is said to be 6'1" and lives on a planet NASA has yet to discover. Are you counting cards? Stick to the slots!

  • Gladys Fuentes

    Hi John, I am new to gardening and have subscribed to your videos. There's so much information it's phenomenel. Now because I'm new to this, Q. I saw somewhere you can get old tires to make a raised garden, and also chest drawers…can someone comment please.

  • Socorro Canales

    Thank you for sharing this video, watching you is educational and entertaining too.
    I ordered the smart pots and I'm waiting for them like a kid waiting for a new toy. I got the green thumb from my mom, R.I.P. but I know that this pots will help me out a lot.
    I subscribed to your channel.

  • John Fenman

    When you wrap teflon tape around pipe threads, do not do it as shown in this video,
    because there is a better way. The difference is how the tape stays tensioned during wraping. Place the roll above the threads with the tape coming off the roll on the bottom of the roll towards you. Then rotate the roll clockwise around the threads. Try it, you will soon see what I am saying.

    Do not have the tape coming off the top of the tape roll toward you, as you wrap clockwise, because you then have to pull the tape to keep it tensioned as you wrap.

    Try both ways and you will see what I mean.

    Unrelated but of course you wrap such that screwing on the fitting goes with the tape, rather than exerting a force to unwind it.

    Until you examine what I am saying, you will by nature tend not to follow this method of wrapping, but once you get it, you will find yourself always doing it the better but less intuitive way. It really does make the simple task of wrapping threads with teflon tape easier and tighter and you will always wrap in the right direction too.

    It is about how the tape stays tensioned as you wrap, instead of coming off the roll faster than the thread wrapping uses it.

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