what is meant by metal wire? how is it positioned and what is its function? I have owned a ficus retusa for a few months and I have no experience in this regard. thanks

Metal wire on bonsai

Dear Keofle,

as you well know, bonsai are trees and shrubs, grown so that they remain small in size, but also so that they develop as if they were old trees, with the branches that grow harmoniously and pleasantly, similar to what would happen to a large tree in nature, after several decades of development. To do this, various techniques are implemented, such as cultivation in small and shallow pots, pruning, defoliation. Among these techniques there is also that of the metal wire. It is a particular wire, particularly malleable, which is wrapped around the branches whose trend is to be modified; once the wire has been rolled up, by bending the branches slightly, the wire itself allows us to keep them in the position we want; after a certain period of time (ranging from weeks to months), the wire is removed and the branch maintains its conformation naturally. This bonsai technique is not suitable for beginners, as the errors can be many and conspicuous: the coils of the wire must be positioned correctly, otherwise the wire itself, with the growth of the branches, penetrates the bark, leaving indelible scars, definitely very unsightly. There are also different wires for bonsai, produced with different materials, and of different diameters; only the eye of the expert bonsaista is able to understand which is the best thread to use. You can find out about bonsai annuals to understand how ficus tying is best practiced; even a good bonsaist will be able to show you how to practice this technique, and how to affix the wire correctly. The ficus that best suits the branches of the ficus is the aluminum one, which is more “soft” than that of copper or other materials; it is positioned on the branches at any time of the year, even if sometimes they do not recommend its use in spring, when the plant tends to develop very quickly. Always avoid wrapping the wire too tightly around the branches of a ficus, because the bark is very thin, and tends to scratch easily.

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Source: www.giardinaggio.it

wire – Bonsai Questions and Answers

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