The business model of mlm/ network marketing is flawed. Only 1% are successful. The model relies on distributors making up the main customer base, with overpriced products!
Thanks for sharing your opinion and experience…let's say the person that brought you in didn't explain to you well…Juiceplus is one the realest businesses I have seen….its business you work for your money…that's business my sis….and the pay is good…and it's not only those on top that make money…my dear everyone makes money from juice plus…make your research very well….its a pity the person that signed you up didn't carry you along properly….
I’m sorry to hear about your experience. I’ve been a partner in the US for 5 years and have never heard of any kind of experience you’re sharing. Yes it’s hard work but it’s your own business and you will get out of it as much as you put into it. This business is not for everyone and that’s ok. Juice plus has been around for 50 years, in 26 countries and it’s an amazing company with natural and very few products, backed by more than 40 clinical studies.
Its not the business its the representative . Tje The company is second to none The product os second to none Ppl dont expmain it right. Very simple you pay monthy or in full. The first shipment you cam cancel amytime full money back refund. After second shipment yiu can return any unopened product. Juiceplus is amazing. Its only 50 dlara a year to own your business and you dont have to buy any product lol. Cant get much easier
It is very important to explain details of any kind of business to people before getting them into it thank you for your boldness to speak up .I have been before but not anymore
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Thanks guys for all the love and support so far
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I was very disappointed to learn that Juice Plus products are not organic. It is all false advertising!
The business model of mlm/ network marketing is flawed. Only 1% are successful. The model relies on distributors making up the main customer base, with overpriced products!
Did you nor join meeting? Why did you not ask questions? My dear juice plus company is very fair trust me you need to focus and read well about it
Who ever wants to be part of my team herbalife, make money on the comfort of your own place
You can joine herbalife too
The link they gave you have all the information but we are so lazy to read everything.
Thanks for sharing your opinion and experience…let's say the person that brought you in didn't explain to you well…Juiceplus is one the realest businesses I have seen….its business you work for your money…that's business my sis….and the pay is good…and it's not only those on top that make money…my dear everyone makes money from juice plus…make your research very well….its a pity the person that signed you up didn't carry you along properly….
I’m sorry to hear about your experience. I’ve been a partner in the US for 5 years and have never heard of any kind of experience you’re sharing. Yes it’s hard work but it’s your own business and you will get out of it as much as you put into it. This business is not for everyone and that’s ok. Juice plus has been around for 50 years, in 26 countries and it’s an amazing company with natural and very few products, backed by more than 40 clinical studies.
Its not the business its the representative . Tje The company is second to none
The product os second to none
Ppl dont expmain it right. Very simple you pay monthy or in full. The first shipment you cam cancel amytime full money back refund. After second shipment yiu can return any unopened product. Juiceplus is amazing. Its only 50 dlara a year to own your business and you dont have to buy any product lol. Cant get much easier
It is very important to explain details of any kind of business to people before getting them into it thank you for your boldness to speak up .I have been before but not anymore
Next time read more about a business online before verging into any sort
Thanks for sharing the other side of the business
Fine lady keep giving us the truth
The truth is always beater they might just come for you
Proud of your honesty
I'm here for your hair.. forget about juice plus thieves
Juice plus never be my ideal because i know a lot of people who use it yet their still same lolz
Since i have been hearing of juice plus and many people buying never see the results