Curious what to plant in June in the vegetable, herb and annual flower garden? Check out what I’m planting this month in my Zone 6a, Ohio garden!
There is still plenty of time to plant in June!

What to Plant in June, Zone 6:

Early June
Direct Sow
• Sweet corn, shorter season popcorn & flint/flour corn
Direct sow OR Transplant
• Pumpkin
• Winter Squash
• Gourd
• Watermelon, cantaloupe, other melons
• Castor beans
• Sweet potatoes
• Peanuts

Early to Mid June
• Tomatoes & tomatillos
• Peppers
• Eggplant
June- Any time:
Direct Sow Outdoors
• Beans- bush, pole, lima, edamame, shell
• Cowpeas, Southern peas
• Direct sown flowers like Wildflower mixes, cosmos, nasturtium, morning glories, borage, amaranthus
• Cover crops- buckwheat, sunflowers, cowpeas, sorghum sudangrass, Sunn hemp

Direct sow OR Transplant
• Summer Squash
• Basil
• Cucumbers
• Summer squash/zucchini
• Okra
• Sunflower, marigold, zinnias, celosia

00:00 Intro
00:11 A Word on Fall Frost Dates
01:08 Consider your Typical Summer Weather
01:58 Early June- Direct Sow and/or Transplant
02:37 Early to Mid June- Transplant
02:53 June Anytime- Direct Sow and/or Transplant

#zone6gardening #ohiogardening
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What to Plant in June- Zone 6 Vegetable Garden

| Vegetable Gardening | 12 Comments
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  • Bruce Anable

    I live in zone five, probably not much of a difference in zone six. What method of seed starting do you like the best, jiffy Peat pellets, bio sponges, or seed starting mix.

  • Cassie Mancias

    It does get very hot & humid here just like it does for you. But I did replant my salad cart about a week ago (an elevated bed with radish, lettuce mesclun, long standing spinach, Bibb lettuce, arugula) just to see what I can accomplish under shade with lots of water & mulch. My spring salad cart wasn't very successful, I didn't seed as aggressively as I should have & I think there wasn't enough morning sun on it.

  • Don Birkholz

    Glad to see you grow your own popcorn. Most people do not know that fresh home-grown popcorn is more tender than the year-old stuff you buy in the store.

  • Chere' Evans

    As always this was an incredibly helpful video for us who are gardening in the same zone as you. Thank you for the timely information. As for what I'm planting… I decided to go ahead and try some cucumbers because my Armenian cucumbers have struggled. It seems to me they're too cool because I have trouble with a lot of melons also. They just don't thrive for me yet and I had no trouble with melons when I lived in zone 7. So I went ahead and started some cucumbers in soil blocks and those went into the ground yesterday and more will go in tomorrow. Also some additional cantaloupe and watermelon again from my own seed starts. And another Armenian cucumber on the off chance that maybe their growth was just stunted due to the cool May. I have also put in more bush beans where I pulled out my spinach just last week. And I need to pull out some of my lettuce and put in some more beans there. And I planted a whole bunch of Ohio natives because a nursery here was having a sale and I could get plants for $2 and they were all Ohio natives. So I put in things like echinacea and heliopsis and wild bergamot and lots more. I even found a spot for Jerusalem artichoke. I am so excited about those but I still need to go out and buy some sort of inground barrier so that it doesn't take over the rest of my yard. LOL

  • TAN

    I've been slacking on commenting…Sorry! Been a busy guy lately. Not super impressed with my 1st year new garden. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and some kale are not really doing well. Snow peas are the star of the show so far. 6 lbs a week for 3 weeks. Tomatoes were jamming till deer figured out a way in. Set up trail cams to see where they are getting in. Bush beans and sunflowers got hit too.

  • bb truth

    As another commenter said, so good to see that sub count climbing. Way to stick with it. Living dangerously with those castor beans, very cool looking plant. Here in 4a I just keep shoving stuff in the ground. I do a lot of succession planting too. So dry here, been a bit tough, but I'm a glutton for punishment. Wrong year to expand the garden and add another orchard. I must have about 14000 sq ft of garden to keep watered. My poor well is working over time. Working sun up to sundown. Your garden is looking great. Good work. Take care.