What a Plant Needs to Stay Alive. Water, nutrients, sunlight and air are what plants need to grow. This life science song teaches us what a plant needs to stay alive. This science song for kids also teaches what resources we get from plants.

Water, nutrients, sunlight and air
That’s what plants need everywhere
Water, nutrients, sunlight and air
That’s what plants need everywhere

Plants need water, water, water
To help move the nutrients to the stems and leaves

Plants need nutrients, nutrients, nutrients
To help the plant grow healthy and strong

Plants need sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
Gives energy and warmth for the plant to survive

Plants need air, air, air
Air helps the plant to make it’s own food

Water, nutrients, sunlight and air
That’s what plants need everywhere
Water, nutrients, sunlight and air
That’s what plants need everywhere

Plants are so important all over the Earth
So many things we eat come from a plant first
Plants give us paper
Plants give us clothes
Plants give us the air we breath
Now you know

Water, nutrients, sunlight and air
That’s what plants need everywhere

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What a Plant Needs to Stay Alive | Springtime Song | Science Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann

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