On 17th January the Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) hosted a webinar on ‘Improving Adoption of Climate-Smart Agriculture Innovations in Africa’.
Aimed at senior representatives from ministries of agriculture, heads of key agri-related public institutions, UN agencies, agricultural firms, NGOs, farm associations, agriculture research and development institutes, investors, donors and the private sector.
David Del Conte, Deputy Head of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Noelle O’Brien, Team Leader of the Finance Innovation for Climate Change Fund (FICCF) and Engida Mandefro, Deputy Secretary General for Disaster Risk Management for Red Cross Ethiopia offered first-hand insight into:
• Climate-smart innovations to improve productivity for rural communities
• The importance of finance in scaling up Climate-smart innovation
• Using social networks as an innovative platform for the livelihood of farmers
• Upscaling agriculture platforms as a way to help climate resilience and small-hood farming
• Breaking socio-economic barriers and forming relationships amongst a multitude of stakeholders
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Tomasz Obszan ́ski is an ecological farmer who is involved in Podkarpacka Organic Farmers Association, Organic Food Valley Cluster and in many other associations connected with ecological farming. He is the founder of a producer’s cooperative which is very important for Poland. Also, he carries out many educational activities, amongst others trainings in alternative cultivation methods.
He uses microbiological and natural ways to fight pests like intercropping. Crop yields are comparable to yields in conventional farming. He said that wild pollinators and bees help him to produce better quality fruits and thanks to that earn more money. “Our farm would not exist without pollinators.”
Obszan ́ski states that Poland is a great country for ecological farming, because there are plenty of small, family farms, which could change their production model from conventional to ecological farming. This transformation would not be difficult and it leads to the production of healthy food.
There is a huge demand for such products, food producers, customers are waiting, which is a perfect opportunity.
love it
very inspiring !!! thank you