About The Author


  • Elliot Alderson

    btw, why nobody creates WMs using e.g SDL2? It should be much more crossplatform than using X code or Wayland client implementation isn't it? (please explain if I am wrong)

  • fredhair

    Wayland at time of writing (October 2020) is still lacking a few features that I think should be server side functionality. Im currently using sway on my main desktop machine and am generally very happy with it. Scaling is alright for xWayland and good for native wayland apps. Hopefully it will become more polished with time and more devs will give it attention. I'd love to help out though I'm not much of a systems programmer. I can just about tweak my setup let alone code the apps myself!

  • Anthony Brooks

    I tried to install 2x times one gnome and xfce. first sudo didn't work but su did. error unable to find command. software error unable to update date cache. I spent many hours to correct and give up. Mainly command line was not working. In my past if GUI doesn't work well I have used command install apt command in terminal. Personal I think its buggy,but other distros I use with debain 10 no issues like these.