My shoutout to an lady youtuber who inspires me (along with several others) but who started it all for me is: BexarPrepper. Go by & check her out.

This is my Video Response to Allen2045 (Paula) Contest. If you are not familiar with Paula’s channel~please go by & check it out. She is a great lady~very kind & does some great things. I enjoy learning gardening with her, along with canning & food dehydration.

der.hans: Prepping Devices for Sale or Donation

Presented at the Phoenix Linux Users Group (PLUG) on November 13th 2014 by der.hans

This talk was a general discussion about cleaning personal info off electronics before donating or recycling them. It has been edited down from an hour and a half to to just the meat of the talk.

der.hans is the founder of the Free Software Stammtisch, Chairman for PLUG and repeat speaker for SCaLE. He’s a DBA at Limelight Networks and moonlights as an adjunct instructor at Mesa Community College.

In his free time he likes to go camping, learn about sustainable culture and annually not set himself on fire. He is slowly learning gardening and loves to brag about his grandma’s cheesecakes and Sp

VR Allen2045 Subscriber appreciation 2 Contest in 1 Contest!

About The Author