Bren Smith’s vertical ocean farm in Long Island Sound grows seaweed and shellfish and is designed to restore ecosystems, mitigate climate change, and create blue-green jobs for fishermen.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Im in. period.
This is Sam Hyde's idea
So I've heard it cost for 20,000 next 30,000 and now it's 50,000 for a startup; which is it now?
As a corn and soybean farmer for 35 years I have seen the devastation Industrial agriculture has done to the land. The loss of natural filter systems to stop nitrogen and erosion runoff is massive. And with the rise is corn production to feed ethanol we are on a collision course. Hypoxia is a threat,real or not it is there. I really like his idea of smaller farms, but in our country, big is better. I like his concept, I like that he has inner city kids involved. I like his organic fertilizer.. are there negatives? I am sure there are, but the positives out weigh the negatives… highly labor intensive, you cant be lazy and farm his way. And you cant rely on mechanical bulls to do the work… I will continue to research his concept…lets put 100 of his farms off the coast of New Orleans and see if Hypoxia goes away,if sea life returns..what 50 years of corn production and city runoff has killed,can we bring it back…heavy thoughts.
came to here about interesting aquaculture techniques listened to this guy babble about doomsday nonsense
It's also beeing done in larger and larger scales in Fjords in denmark (fjords= less storm problems, many nutrients)
This might be one of my favorite ted talks
I really want to know the answer to this one: is it truly scalable? The area of Washington State is just short of 185 thousand km2! Is there that much ocean with the right conditions?
1. High-nutrient (usually an ocean upwelling area).
2. Shallow enough to anchor his buoy
3. Not in shipping lanes
4. Not too cold, too hot, or spoiling coral reefs etc
5. Not going to disrupt mangroves, wetlands, or other important ecosystems
I looked at question 1, and the ocean upwelling area tends to be 2% of world oceans which I work out ot be 7.2 MILLION km2, so that's not an issue. But the others? Is there enough appropriately out of the way shallow ocean in the world?
Amazing, amazing talk.
One of my favorite Ted Talks
Please Teach how to do this Maine.
Ive been meaning to do this for over 30 years!You just give the sea life a surface to grow on!Youre producing the sea food not stealing it from mother ocean.
Great but please don't put invasive gracilarria in Bermuda – it will take over and kill the reefs as it has devastated Hawaii.
Cool, really interesting
big praise from UK
Yes!!! Great talk! What a wonderful personal enlightenment story! especially 8:46!
If you think we need to develop a 'sustainable' (environmentally speaking) economy, before one that reaches full employment then you're heading down a dead end.
Those who didin´t liked the video can you please explain why?
I was going to say that we can already feed the world, the problem is a matter of logistics ~ specifically, safely transporting the food to the people, and the funding to make it possible. This might be a useful idea for when the planet hits 9 billion people, due sometime around 2100 … watching this, I can say that the overfishing of our oceans has left us with a need to find sustainable alternatives …