Today we’re taking a look at my friend Marco’s system, the Aponix vertical barrel growing system. It can be either soil or hydroponic, but you’ll see me set it up as a hydroponic system in this video.
Vertical hydroponics is one of the THE MOST PRODUCTIVE ways to grow in small, urban spaces due to its high yield and low footprint.
What I like about this system is that the parts are mostly available at hydroponic retailers or Amazon, unlike fancier systems like the Tower Garden which try to lock you in to their products and nutrients.
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0:00 – Intro
1:25 – System Setup
5:05 – Filling System
8:09 – Seed Starting
10:05 – Seeds Germinated
10:32 – Planting Seedlings
oooo thats pretty!
Looks like a great product! Nicely done review
I’d like to move our basil operation into a new system like this. I just have a feeling the price will be absurd on these.
A water level indicator to do list?
Nice demo dude
Awesome. How often must you add nutes to this system?
Very nice!
Thanks Kevin! Well done!
VERTICAL SYSTEMS ARE JUST AWESOME! It's too bad they are most often way over priced.
I'm working with a 3D Printer group..and we're exploring this right now..
However, technically… you could take an existing food grade water barrel.. and create a very similar set up for the body.
Water Barrels can be found for about $25.00 each.. pumps are pretty cheap..$30 for a good one..and one that you could control the water flow. Note…if you cant find or afford one that has a water flow adjustment..that's an easy fix.. Simply extend the tubing till the water flow is gently spilling out the top of the tube..this will requires a support tube (pvc)… You'll likely need to pay close attention to the actual head height listed.. most of them..will work for standard barrel height.The rest of the materials are readily available, and very cheap…Dont forget to put a timer in line with your set up.
Cant find a standard 55 gallon water barrel? Simple fix: You can stack 5 gallon food grade buckets..technically they're like rings. Just use the lid to create a lip for each bucket..cutting away the center part.. I created a little different method on mine, but the lid will work, just make sure you are allowing the water to drain all the way down to the reservoir..
You'd be amazed at how many 2" net cups you can get in a 5 gallon bucket.. I did mine 4 buckets high. Each bucket is about 15" tall, but you loose about 3/4" when you stack.. so just shy of 5 feet tall nice height.. I did not use the bottom bucket for plant material.. So 3 buckets were full of plant materials.
This concept is the Garden Tower/Tower Garden version but only with a much larger circumference. Those units of course are ridiculously priced..
Great Video
That's really nice ,what's the website to buy one ?
that's bad ass u just leave your plants in there until they bloom Right.
Looks 3d printable, could get spendy though. Really promising design.
Great vid. Tks.
A little ecosystem
I've seen done with plants or fish…..
So cool