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Modern agriculture comes with some pretty big drawbacks, but an elegant new approach called vertical farming could be the solution we

Vertical Farms and the Future of Agriculture

About The Author


  • Lesya Sparrow

    GMO Foods Cause CANCER + read WAVEgenetic + ????????? ??????? ?????? "???????????? ?????? ??????????" ??????? ?.?. ( ? 1????? ????? ???? ?????????? ? ???) + "???????????-???????? ?????" ??????, "?????? ??????????" ??????? ??????? + "??? ?? ?????…" ???????? ?.?., ? ????? ???. ?????? "??? ???????? ????????" (2008?.) ? "??????????????" (2007?.)?

  • destroyka777

    I think the vertical farm is a VERY viable solution provided you don't try to reinvent nature. If we took design cues from nature, it would be unnecessary to use artificial lighting, or a very minimal amount of it. Take a look at the pine tree, for example. The trunk of the tree is the main artery, so to speak, through which all of the nutrients and water necessary are transported. The trunk also supports all of the branches. The branches are arranged in such a manner that each branch (ideally) gets sufficient sunlight to generate energy via photosynthesis. If you look at how the branches are arranged, the bottom branches have the most needles to the outside, and the branches above sit closer to the tree so as to not block the bottom branches from getting sunlight. As you go up the tree, the branches sit closer and closer.

    If we built a vertical farm like a pine tree, it would likely look as follows. The service elevator, water and nutrient pipes, and other utilities would all run up the central column. At the base of the tree, where it is largest, is where all of the various preparation facilities would be. As you go up, you're servicing less and less plant life as there is less and less room to grow, so too does the column shrink. It would be a serious of ring like platforms built around the service column that each shrink in size as you go up.?

  • Tom Miller

    With today's advances in fiber optics, is it possible to attach a large sunlight collector on the roof and convey that light, via fiber optics, to light disbursing fixtures throughout the building??

  • Ekaterinya Vladinakova

    I hope this will become the reality, not only can we save plenty of forests from being cut down, but we may even give back some farm land back to nature.?

  • SuperDonkey12347

    They could make the building hollow and use the center for storing water for the plants. They could put fish in it to produce fertilizer and humans could eat them in the nearby city. Since the building could be hollow the wouldn't be a need for sunlight in the middle. So the building would produce fertilizer, agriculture, fresh fish, and water storage without needing much sunlight.?

  • PJ Add GAMEs

    I would maybe have the core of the building clear glass open to sunlight at the top and have mirrors positioned throughout the core to bring light to the plants farther from the windows and closer to the core?