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© Sean James Cameron

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Vegetable Gardening Tasks for August in the Kitchen Garden

About The Author


  • Lee Golder

    I love my garden in July (winter for me in Australia). I'm harvesting lemons, spinach, lettuce, radish, beetroot, kale, peas, purple broccoli, potatoes and my favourite – asparagus will be ready in 2 or 3 days.

  • Matthew Gordon-Clark

    Hi Sean, the shark fin melon looks fantastic. Just a question though, I thought you said you would not grow it again after it took over so much last year? What do they taste like, as I have never seen or heard of them before you grew them? Congrats on the onions, they must have been hard to stop bolting to seed giiven the heat of this summer for you in London. Matthew

  • gayla gavin

    Must be last year? Either that or you have your own Tardis, lol. Doesnt matter, of course, it is great. . Beauiful, gorgeous harvests. Question, what is the plant at about 6:35? I dont recognize it and am very curious. What a sweet present from your young friends. Always enjoy seeing Rusty taking it easy and enjoying life. Also vicariously loved the storm. I now live in the Pacific NW and we get almost no rain from the end of June (first of June approx this year) until about mid Sep and i miss summer rains. I have no experience with shark fin melons. Did you use them in soup and did you like them? Those Rudolph potatoes are beauties and what a harvest they produced…an entire wheelbarrow full! Did they taste as good as they look? Love your videos. Thank you!

  • Roy&Shashi Brock

    Is this video, from all August of the years past? Must know. Shark! the roots are like shark teeth biting into the soil and moving like the sharks do in ocean devouring anything in their pathway. If you grow them again must trim and contain regularly.
    Awaiting to see your new plot development.
    I hope you take the signs the kids made for you!

  • Nicola Bradley

    so jealous of yor rain and I never ever thought I would say that wot with living in south wales!! could I ask wot the classical music was, sounds familiar but recall the composer!