Vegetable Gardening : How to Grow Large Sweet Onions

You can grow large sweet onions such as vidalia or Walla Walla onions if you know how to plant them properly, transplant them at the right time of year and then provide the care they need. Learn how to produce some massive onions in this free video on vegetable gardening.

Expert: Ali Reynolds
Bio: Ali Reynolds owns and operates a small organic nursery. She has a master gardener’s certificate as well as a landscape and gardening certificate, and has gardened for more than 35 years.
Filmmaker: Mike Phillips

Series Description: If you’d like to make your green thumb a little greener, dive into these useful tips on vegetable gardening and then watch your garden grow! A professional gardener explains and demonstrates in this free video series.
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In order to plant spinach, first prepare a well-groomed seed bed that is damp and has plenty of soil fluff. Use a garden seeder to plant spinach at the proper spacing with help from an organic farmer in this free video on vegetable gardening and horticulture.

Expert: Jarrett Man
Bio: Jarrett Man created and runs Stone Soup Farm, an organic vegetable and fruit operation in Belchertown, Mass.
Filmmaker: EquilibrioFilms Jenn
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Vegetable Gardening : How to Grow Large Sweet Onions

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