This is a compilation of 3 videos. If you watched the (my) single videos on Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium, you have already seen these. I talk in detail about what each fertilizer does, how it works, how to add it to your garden (I show several products), talk about deficiencies and how the plant looks and give general principles for you to better understand the fertilizers N-P-K. You will fully understand how to use N-P-K in your gardens.
for the nitrogen you said to plant lot of bean and chop them and keep the root, so it will make slow nitrogen into the soil. But are been root really that rich in nitrogen?
Lower the nitrogen unless you want the leaves such as lettuce, swiss chard etc. Correct?
Thank you for interesting video. I would love a video on saved seeds..?
Cinnamon in the garden – eh?! Who would've thought! Haha This is a really informative video – helps shed a lot of light on a topic I've considered to be a bit of a mystery.. till now. Thanks – I've given your video a thumbs up
Sir: enjoy your informative videos, can I put rabbit poo directly into the garden or over the top and let the rains wash in?, thank you Sincerely Rick
sensible view. on fertilizer..
Thank you sir; for the information on helping us make a healthy garden. Sincerely Rick
Few questions:
How to apply a pee as nitrogen for the plants? Shoud it stay few days mixed with a water or to use it immediately ?
Banana peel will it raise the acidity? I planted tomatoes in too acidic soil and the leaves turned yellow so i added an ash.Can i use banana peel compost tea if the soil is acidic?
Hi, gary would u pls explain about Heirloom and hybrid tomato is it true from hybrid tomato we cant collect seeds and if we do and plant it we might get another kind of tomato,? I was in a seed store in my location the lady says u can only collect seeds from heirloom tomato,I don't know now I guess is mombo jumbo,maybe they need costumers .if u know about this pls explain if u can thank u kindly,,,Bob.
Great video.
npk: nitrogen phosphorus potassium , not nitrogen potassium phosphorus, but its okay, hes pretty amazing
Thx man. Great video as usual.
nice video man, long as hell but damn I learned a lot
Hi Gary, so if I use the remnants of a barbecue with a wood mixture of a hardwood and also of a charcoal briquettes, would that ash be usable where if I added it to the Banana trees that are growing as a supplement to potash or should I add it to the compost for distribution ? Thanks!
Excellent video. I use AZOMITE in good quantity but still learned a lot from this video. I try to keep it all organic and this info will help me big time.
Thanks again, Gary, for another great video I've been searching the web for potassium help. I've had problems with my tomatoes the past two years, they have had orange or sometimes green shoulders and someone suggested I add some extra potassium to the plants. Now I know what I need to do, thanks
As always Gary…. very informative and knowledgeable.. Many tanks!
Good vid, have to disagree about inorganic Potassium however. Having started up a series of raised beds, filled with poor clay soil from around my yard I found the potassium deficiency signs you described in my tomatoes, As this was not fully understood until (as a K deficiency) until the plants were fairly mature.
The soil is VERY heavy clay Potassium sulfate was used quite successfully to correct the K issues, however a double dressing was required to do this due to the very heavy nature of the clay (similar in structure to oxford clay.)
As 200g of 50% K fertilizer was used per bed I would have had to have used 1.25kg per bed of an 8% K fertilizer to reach the same correction?
Explained very well I am so thankful I have crossed over this video and now am a subscriber to all of your vids. I learn a lot from you thanks again.