They are family farmers, their loved ones and supporters, all in favor of a farmer’s associations lawsuit against the agriculture and biotechnology giant, Monsanto.

In March 2011, a group of farmers filed a suit against Monsanto, the purpose of which is to be protected from the company’s suing them for patent infringement, should some of Monsanto’s seeds contaminate the farmers’ crops through natural causes like cross pollination and seed drift.

The group lost their initial suit in New York and are appealing in Federal court which they hope will rule in their favor.

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US farmers take to streets against Monsanto

| Vertical farming | 20 Comments
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  • koertje

    Hey vanessanda, how ya doin ?
    You were right for not takin wakeup in your house.
    You'r not so stupid as I first thought.
    But eh, dont eat to much meat,
    better eat beans and some tofu and stuff.
    Keep your kids safe girl.

  • dunholm1

    Thisisyourwakeup. Is telling me to f off and calling me a c–t the best you can do? You talk the language of the gutter, which surprises me not at all. Silly little man.

  • dunholm1

    Didn't expect that you'd understand your hypocrisy in on the one hand blocking me from commenting on your channel, supporting the Chinese blocking YT, and then on the other hand having a hissy-fit when you're spammed. Freedom of speech only apply to you, does it? Irony is obviously beyond your wit. Of course, what you really mean is that given your vastly superior intellect all other views are superfluous. What a pompous little man you are. And if you are the enemy Israel has nothing to fear.

  • dunholm1

    Been to your channel. On the one hand you support China for blocking YT, and on the other complain about violation of freedom of speech when your comments are spammed. You've also blocked me from commenting. Seems your view of freedom of speech is a one-way street, hypocrit.

  • dunholm1

    Sorry, got confused. Thought you might be reffering to vanessanda and her flock. Quite a mutual admiration society they had going there for a while, but I note that they've left for pastures new, so to speak. I do so hope I bump into them again. Haven't had so much fun in ages!

  • koertje

    If you know the speeches of he supreme leader of Iran from about 5 years ago,
    you would know that your hero is NOT misunderstood.
    Funny is though that all went down who wanted to fight Israel .
    Their hatred didn't serve them well.
    Look at Syria, look at the failure Lebanon became, look at Egypt on the brink of collaps.
    You wait and see how your hero will go down.

  • dunholm1

    It was you said you were being intimidated, not me. See what all that bile is doing to your memory? And you're being "stalked"? Methinks you flatter yourself. You are merely a passing distraction.

  • vanessanda

    I have no doubt whatsoever that I'm being stalked. But apart from the obvious, there is ONE OTHER way that this one gave himself away!!! However, because I don't want to educate them, I will PM you and point it out!

    I've had enough of him anyway, he's the most boring, big mouth I've come across!

  • vanessanda

    I think it's the other way round. Koertje put me on the list but he's sleeping right now. He'll be up shortly, can't wait to hear from him! Take a look at how dunholm1 discreetly (NOT) called for backup from koertje!

  • vanessanda

    U wish!Takes a bigger man than u 2intimidate me u low-life coward hiding behind a PC! Do u see me shutting my mouth?Do I sound intimated?U guys have no life!UR too busy sitting in front of the PC & getting paid to do it.That's b/c nobody in the real world will have anything to do with u! And I saw how u discreetly (NOT) called4 back up from koertje! He didn't show the same cowardly trait as u crying"Help me out here"from the team! I suggest he's a bigger man than u!Don't annoy him he's sleeping!

  • thisisyourwakeup

    nobody chooses to be on a channel without a valid reason. are you interested in Monsanto or GM crops? i doubt it. you were SENT HERE , so far as your choice of words is concerned it exhibits all the hallmarks of an Israeli shill account. delusional paranoia indeed. stick your delusional paranoia up your anus