Aeroponic urban farms, autonomous personal mobility vehicles, and a 3D data observatory that make cities more livable and planners more engaged.
Kent Larson directs the MIT Media Lab’s Changing Places group and since 1998, has also directed the MIT House_n research consortium in the School of Architecture and Planning.
Dr. Ryan Chin is the managing director of the City Science Initiative focusing on developing new urban systems for a post-oil, connected world.
Caleb Harper is the founder of the CityFARM research group focused in the areas of building integrated and control environment agriculture, actuated sensing, control automation and data-driven resource and energy optimization in urban farming.
Ira Winder works with the CityScience Initiative to manage the design and development of CityScope, a platform for participatory design.
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences.
I failed to mention that I have Impact Hub spaces right here in Waterville, KS that is open to others that want to be the healthy and peaceful and fun change we want to see in the world. We have gardens here and six buildings that can be multi-purpose.
There are openings on the CORE TEAM for like-hearted and differently gifted individuals and CSR businesses to shape and develop and flesh out the WOMAN within the MAN…we are the Wellness Oriented Mutual Aid Network. I invite other "Think Tank-Action Takers" to visit the Wellness Weavers website to see if you want to join us.
I would love to partner with MIT, Tufts, Harvard to continue the work of Amelia Earhart and her finest work when she was in Boston at the Denison Settlement House.
I believe the Internet and creative use of technology links us in rural areas to other innovative pools without limits. Indeed I have finally found "my tribe" with the Mutual Aid Network and the Pachamamma Alliance and being able to listen to TED Talks!
more proof that asians and whites are top breeds.. only innovative places are america europe and asia.. nothing from africa and south america.. proves theres a correlation between them and low iq and poor performance in schools even if they live in the US
I started paying attention to his breathing and it became very distracting… Love the apartment.
This has hints of "THE VENUS PROJECT"(please google it). Some absolutely wonderful innovation demonstrated here, but the TedEx presentation doesn't go far enough.
We also need desperately to address our broken socioeconomic system, innovation is quelled when people are deprived of a relevant education due to economics, additionally we have the corrupt practice of planned obsolescence to ensure future business, health care is plagued by fear e.g. pharmaceutical companies understand "A patient cured is a customer lost", automation technology is displacing people & their jobs. Ironically we have the greatest production capacity of any time in our history & yet a growing number of middle-class are with out jobs & therefore purchasing power. Crime is inevitable when people are denied access to life's necessities.
The Venus Project in addition to it's technological solutions also includes a redesign of our socioeconomic system to something more relevant that would almost eliminate crime i.e. A "Resource Based Economy" in which money is no longer used to ration resources, again if u haven't already done so please check out the many free online resources.
I hope that these guys tie up with the folks at the Venus Project
Cool dynamic city model like the statistic from SimCity (PC Game)