Unusual garden shape design techniques I How to design a clumsy-shaped garden I Garden design techniques
In this video, I will share some unusual garden shape design techniques. I will discuss how to design awkwardly shaped gardens and will provide you with some challenging garden design tips and tricks to help you design on difficult sites to create the garden of your dreams. If you are interested in more videos related to garden design, be sure to watch the videos from my “Garden Design” playlist here: subscribe and be part of the movement to make gardening and nature popular again. Join the conversation by leaving a comment below. Sign up for one of my Udemy courses to improve your garden design skills or improve your life and happiness level: (I am the founder and garden designer of Lushspaces (www.lushspaces.co.uk), gardener and educator Home (www.udemy.com). I hold a Diploma in Garden Design and Horticulture (Excellent) from the famous London School of Design. 84% of the UK population lives in densely populated cities. Lushspaces is passionate about greening our indoor and outdoor spaces and bringing wild animals and green plants into contact with people to create a “paradise on earth”. Follow me on social media: Intagram: Facebook: Pinterest: LinkedIn: Tiktok: #LuciaBukova #Lushspaces #UnusualGardenShapesDesignTips #HowToDesignAwkwardShapeGardens #GardenDesign #HowToDesignDifficultGardens #TipsingGarden #BioGarden #LifeGarden #BioGarden