‘Creating green walls’ is our latest Tips & Tricks instalment for Forest Pack Pro. In this tutorial we tackle a query we get asked regularly: how do you scatter on vertical surfaces?

To answer this question we demonstrate how to create green walls, a common and often requested example. Despite the fact that this tutorial demonstrates a specific usage, the principles can be easily used for a wide range of other applications. Check out the written version of this tutorial and download scene files here: http://bit.ly/2SxFSJS

Free lite versions of our plugins are available that never expire, can be used commercially and include nearly all of the powerful features found in the Pro version! Find out more by following the links below

Forest Pack: http://bit.ly/2UZF11m
RailClone: http://bit.ly/2S43Wij #forestpack #3dsmax #itoosoft
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Students in a new interdisciplinary class have built a massive green wall at the intersection of Broad and Belvidere streets. Read more at https://vcu.exposure.co/a-shot-of-color
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TUTORIAL: Scattering on Vertical Surfaces with Forest Pack (intermediate)

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