Get up to speed on vermicomposting with Kristi Armes, resident Garden Tower 2™ Vertical Gardening System expert and specia guest Tom Tlusty. Tom is an advanced “worm rancher”, and he spells out what you really need to know to keep your worms happy and healthy.
Old newspapers shredded?
I meant groc. Bags not garbage
Is it ok to use garbage bags for browns chopped up in a shredder?
Very good tips from Saul Goodman. Doesnt sound that difficult, but it cant be the main composter in the Garden
Great tip about the browning of the egg shells. I put mine in my ninja blender with some water to crush them up, but heating them up first would be a great idea. I'm thinking maybe dehydrating them for a few hours would be good too.
what about hair clippings, dust, lint from a dryer if the fabrics are nature, cotton, silk etc?
Even in Hot Composting Browns are hardest to find.
Hello guys after I order my tower garden 2 how do I get the compost material because I usealy eat out