The Troy Chavez Memorial Peace Garden was built in 1994. The garden is the answer to the violence in the community of North Denver. The vision of the garden is that it helps young people become healers of their community rather than destroyers of it. It is maintained and cared for strickly by volunteers and community gardeners. Most of the volunteers are youth. Troy Chavez was a victim of violence and although justice would never be served for Troy, his family decided to fulfill Troy’s Hope by helping youth in redirecting their actions and steering them from gang activity. One hope, one dream and things can change.

Our Supporters are:

The Troy Chavez Foundation, DUG, PEER I, National Gardening Association, FROG, Paulino Gardens, Welby Garden, Tagawa Gardens, Safe City, Juvinile Diversion Program, Escuela Tlatelolco, Leprino Foods, Boy Scouts of America, Denver Foundation, EON Office Products, Butterfly of Hope and The Home Depot

The Troy Chavez Foundation is a non-profit youth organization. To donate to the project please email to and we will contact you.
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The Troy Chavez Memorial Peace Garden

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