A remarkable food production plant is being assembled in a former meat processing facility in Chicago. It’s remarkable because the waste from one type of food becomes the raw material for another. So “The Plant” will be producing Kombucha tea, fresh vegetables, tilapia, and beer…with virtually no waste!
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I wonder if the organic waste (feces/urine) of the factory participants is integrated into their system? And if there is a 'factory owner' with 'factory workers' or if this is a cooperative like the Basque Mondragon?
i live 5 blicks from it and the outside of the building looks the same but there is a garden next to the parking lot
Research georgism and the land value tax. The LVT encourages efficient use of space so building is done upward instead of outward.
This video is an ispiration
This is a great explanation! Thank you
“There are no Governments only Corporations”, controlled by VATICAN Banksters and its CITY OF LONDON Corporations known as UNITED STATES, CANADA, ISRAEL and the other British Colonies.
see youtube:
Season of Treason Full
Syncretism; The true Theology
Syncretism; The perennial Philosophy
Wow, that's truly incredible although I can't imagine that it produces "all" of it's own energy. Surely this is still connected to the power grid? Hopefully we'll see lots of ideas like this coming out soon.
Sounds…. Good….XX xy
Is the plant's digestor set up and operating? Is the beer and tea brewery set up as well?