Hydroponic Grow System made of Coconuts and Bamboo using Worm Casting and Humus Tea as Fertilizer. No money needed to build and operate this.
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The Hydro Nut Hydroponic Grow System

| Hydroponic Gardening | 5 Comments
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  • Robert Haney

    Hi, I was wondering if you had any trouble with splitting? I tried a set up a few times with bamboo and found that after a short period of time, the bamboo will split and start to leak my water. I've tried shellacing it and bought pre-cured bamboo, but they still split. Any tips on how to prevent this? I would like to do my next round of experiments over the winter. Also, it is important to note that my bamboo is outdoors, in both sun and shade pending on the time of day.

  • yeetingt

    I think you need to use the real matured bamboos as the not so mature ones then to break or crack easy under the heat of the sun. I used bamboos as hydroponics but without coconuts. I just use bamboo partitions as my growing area. Very good for cabbage and lettuce.