Hydroponic Farming, farming without the use of soil is slowly setting in in Kenya, courtesy of Miramar International College.
Even though it is often regarded as a new idea, hydroponic has actually been in existence for many years. Find out the potential of this method of farming in food security and job creation.
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Easiest Kratky Method for Hydroponic Growing. If you love growing in a non circulating, hydroponic system like the one Dr Kratky started, then you will love this. I have eliminated the need for net cups, rockwool and hydroton (clay pebbles). On top of that, you can use free jugs you were going to throw into the recycling bin anyway. This is the cheapest and easiest way to grow.
EBook shows how to do this and many other exciting projects: https://www.etsy.com/listing/615008659/keep-on-growin-ebook?ref=listing_published_alert
Masterblend Tomato & Vegetable Fertilizer COMBO Kit 2.5lbs http://amzn.to/2GSMHfE or http://amzn.to/2Btt1yq
The Hydroponic 5″ x 5″ grow pad : http://amzn.to/2l5S0kw
A better buy if you do not mind cutting down the sheets or if you wish to do a larger container is the 10″ x 20″ pack of 10 : http://amzn.to/2m43Z1u
Setup seen in my other video:
5 gallon net cup lid : http://amzn.to/2jLo75o
Complete setup with air pump: http://amzn.to/2igNR9n
Music: Mountain Sky by Levelo Music Group, LLC
Available at www.soundstripe.com
Disclaimer: Some of these links are affiliate links where I’ll earn a small commission if you make a purchase. Shopping through these links is a great way to support the channel so I can keep making helpful videos for you.
Video Rating: / 5
This should be taught to those in south America
farming going to the next level
Where can I get aluminium traly and how much
very informative, chams media
Chris Mukindia Great explanation
Nice one
I hope to implement the same.gd one alex
Like it need to visit this farm…. Contacts please?
This needs to go viral. #foodsecurity
Well done chamwada, I'm a fun of your programme
You are a legend! Awesome idol!
When I propagate my basil stems. It gets slimy if i don’t change the water every few days. Is it because its in glass and not in these plastic jars?
What is the green piece with cotton you use in the cup???
Leather glove on the left hand? That bit can do a lot of damage really quickly if you lose control.
Does this type of translucent white bottles not allow the entrance of light and consequent proliferation of algae? In my case I have used white pots of chlorine tablets that I spent in my pool, and had to line them with aluminum foil, because after a week green micro-algae appeared in the solution and in the roots of the plant. https://ibb.co/bZ01aq
Is that cotton you using to hold the stems in place
Your videos are awesome! I'm really ready to go and start my own little kitchen garden. Thank you for making this so simple that I now have no excuses for not trying! Small gardening is the future. I'm excited!!!!!! Peace bro
Brilliant! Thanks for sharing the tips bro! You've just inspired me to have a go on this 🙂
Mike is your water tap,distilled or well? Kenny T
Dear Mike
After viewing this great video on detailed process of plant tissue culture by CSIR , remembered you.. probably you would like it. Either way, would be happy to know if u liked it..
Thanks for putting up truly amazing videos for us..
Will this work with 5-gallon buckets? I have about ten new food-grade buckets in my garage that I never got around to using for a different project years ago.
is the tip of the plastic cup in the level of the water or higher?
Thank you Mike, my new hobby. Thanks.
What kiind of fertilizer solution you used for them to grow. Thank you
what type of water you used?
Don't underestimate drills with cords.
Hey!!! I still have a corded drill too
I do with her for all plants is super simple
Tu mesure le ph?
Hello Mike! Do I still have to change the nutrients?