Please email, call or text me to get one of these sure to root Cloners. 513-371-6586 me email address is I ship daily
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Please email, call or text me to get one of these sure to root Cloners. 513-371-6586 me email address is I ship daily
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my cuttings turn black after 3-4 weeks?
You said you are selling the system for $69 each, how much for two?
Where do you fine a timer with sitting like that.
put it on ebay if you trying to sell!
Thanks for the info.
i see you put plugs into the net pots what about Debee that breaks away from the plug getting into the pump and clogging? have you had any issues with that yet?
u ship worldwide ?
Peace bro keep up the good work
Use Varuca Salt…works every time!
Make sure to cut at an angle and make a small cut straight into the stem. Try dipping the end in cinnamon, it retains moisture, or alternatively buy a rooting hormone. Also check that you are not using anything in the basket that retains water, it needs to dry out after watering. This system is not built for blueberries, but should work.
That's some of that Obozo counting (like 57 states)!
humidity domes are not nesesary only if rooting on a humidity dome, i thought the same .no dome means the plant needs to blow roots faster ,dome makes plants feel more confortable,
aerophonic for rootong .
I've seen a clone bucket on amazon for only 50$ and <9$ shipping
cloud 8 ??
I swear on everything holy my son is always getting 95-100 success. and the MAJOR critical element is a timer that will turn the water sprayer on for 3 seconds then off for 90 secs. (repeat) The drying promotes the roots to grow. With that size bucket in the vid he could get 40 cutz to root ..easy….if you have a question unowhoyah9@yahoo
maybe our math is off… I'd be pissed if I cut an extra clone and didn't have room 😉
Has anyone tried to root blueberry cuttings with one of these. I have tried to root blueberries with an Intermittent mist system. After 3 or 4 weeks the stems turn black and come apart no rooting. I need to clone some blueberries. Any help appreciated.
This is really nice, good work. I built a similar one but a) I haven't been using a dome and b) haven't had it on a timer. Great ideas, and great value.
I have worms way too! St Louis Mo. Love em 😀