Allen’s friend Kris Willey talks about hanging plant puches, a unique type of container gardening. Video Rating: / 5
Read moreGanze Serie hier: Die Sonne brennt so heiß auf den Bauwagen, daß es darin nicht auszuhalten ist. Der grasbedeckte Boden dagegen ist angenehm kühl. Die Pflanzen verdunsten nämlich Wasser, dadurch werden sie kühler. „Dann packen Sie sie doch das Gras aufs Dach”, meint der Nachbar. Peter versucht es, aber das klappt nicht so recht. […]
Read moreIn prison, every day is a fight for survival. An inmate’s most important weapon may not be a shank, but instead a gang membership. Mara Salvatrucha (commonly abbreviated as MS, Mara, and MS-13) is a transnational criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles and has spread to other parts of the United States, Canada, Austrialia, […]
Read moreThe Indiana State Prison is a maximum security Indiana Department of Corrections prison for adult males; however, minimum security housing also exists on the confines.It is located in Michigan City, Indiana, about 50 miles (80 km) east of Chicago. The average daily inmate population in November 2006 was 2,200, 2,165 in 2011. The Indiana State […]
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