Strawberry Hydroponics-No Power or Pumps#4

2014 Summer, DWC using no power or pumps. Modified Kratky Method. Easy to build & grow hydroponic system. Great setup for beginners or small space gardeners.

Strawberry Hydroponics-No Power or Pumps#4

About The Author


  • Wayne Patterson

    Professional Strawberry growers would never use this method. First of all strawberries are prone to a root disease, so if you put one diseased plant in there the water will transfer the disease to all the other plants. Secondly, strawberries do not like wet roots. Best way to grow them is with a semi hydroponic method – the plants are in a growing medium inside plastic bags and get their nutrients via drip feeders.

  • Mitthraw

    Hey, so I've been growing hydroponic strawberries for about two months now, but recently they have been suffering from root rot. The water level is actually quite low, only touching the very bottom part of their roots for about 1/4 of the root mass. However, the roots are very dark and I think have either algae or something else growing. A similar thing happened when I changed my nutrients last time, and most of the roots died but new ones came out and were doing well until I changed them. However, the tips of the leaves and flowers are turning dark and dying, which did not happen last time… I have really good aeration with a strong pump and plenty of bubbles, and my nutrients and pH are normal too. I tried buying some mycorrhizae and adding them to my system, which I did two days ago…. Do you think that will help?

    Additionally, the strawberries I have been getting are about 1/4 the size of store strawberries and are only the size of grapes at the largest… any ideas on what to do?


  • Mitthraw

    Hello, just about a week ago I started my indoor strawberries using the hydroponic kratky method. At the same time, I planted some in soil. The ones in the soil have taken off and are already getting green leaves, while my hydroponic ones aren’t changing at all. They looked fine and I don’t thing there is something wrong with them or the nutrient solution/ppm, pH, etc… what could he the reason?

  • Fran Veiga

    Olá que linda sua plantação de morangos, eu adoro essa fruta e planto aqui tbm s9 que é tudo em vasos, ja me inscrevi aqui e deixei like e te convido à vin ver a colheita de morangos do ultimo vdo postado no meu canal bjss