Have you ever wanted to start a microgreens business? Or simply be a microgreens farmer? My friends Remko and Anneke are DOING IT in the middle of Barcelona, a bustling international city.

In this tour I take you through their farm in two parts. First, we look at their initial test farm, going over their growing method and crops they grow. Then, we go to their new facility which is still under construction to show you how they plan to scale up.

You’ll learn a ton about unique microgreen growing methods as well…a few I’ve never seen or tested before!


Epic Gardening is much more than a YouTube channel. I have a website with 300+ gardening tutorials as well as a podcast where I release daily gardening tips in five minutes or less. There’s also a Facebook group with over 1,500 other gardeners sharing their tips.

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Starting a Microgreen Farm in the Middle of a Bustling City

About The Author


  • Larry Duford

    This was a great video. Every aspect of the operation was thoroughly explained. They must go through a large amount of seed on a monthly basis. Do they get their seed from a bulk wholesale house?

  • altha 2014

    epic gardening and growing your greens both have good videos, got two garden beds started one planted going to get the other one planted this weekend, also, started growing veggies in containers on my fence in the back yard,

  • Rafael Swit

    Thanks for this great video +Epic Gardening! They've got an amazing system! The long sloping black trays in their new system look like they fit shelving units perfectly. Any idea where trays like that can be sourced?

  • Kūlia LLC

    I have been experimenting with wicking micro greens myself. I noticed no wick in the black container pulled from the flood and drain tray. How are the plants grown in the new system kept hydrated by the customer?

  • Richard Taylor

    Very interesting system approach, Simple, yet effective. Heck, I may look at something similar! I do 3D printing, so prototyping/production of the containers is quite possible. Yeah… I like it!

  • martysgarden

    Yes, I remember the day I started my micro greens farm many years ago. I gave out plenty of free samples, started a point of difference by growing in soil and organic.
    I made my own products, then moved into growing all types of salad mixes as well.
    I unfortunately got very ill with Dystonia, but now I am much better and kicking off my micro farm again, so excited,
    I am actually selling a high end compost that in the final process has compost worms chew through it. I find compost has a long shelf life, so is very stable in nearly all type of weather.
    I am just in the stage now of growing my plants to sell, which will include microgreens and baby leaf.
    Love what you guys are doing here,,wishing you all the best for success.
    Marty Ware (Micro farming Australia)