How to plant your own urban garden using the Quickcrop Square Foot Vegetable Gardening method. Square foot gardening is all about taking advantage of smaller spaces and raised garden beds to maximise your crop output. This is typically done by dividing the raised bed into square sections 12 inches per side using gardening twine or timber laths to achieve a grid system. The aim is to assist beginner vegetable gardeners and also help create the highest yielding garden possible.
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wheres part 3?
I see you taking the plug plants out off the plug trays with ease evey time i take mine out the rooty ball falls apart or wont come out in one peice like yours what am i doing wrong?
I'm now starting off my garden and before I get my parent's permission to create a proper S.F.G but first I need sort of a proof of concept. I have a square foot pot and need to grow carrots will it be advisable to sow 16 in the pot? I'm in the tropics so I'm not quite sure how well it'll turn out so I want to try my best for them to work. Thanks in advanced for you input.
part 3?
Where is part 3? I would like to see how it turned out.
Very systematic! Liking the square foot idea.