The long awaited sequel to SpongeBob SquarePants in China. What changes would the Chinese Government demand now? Enjoy the 2012 hand drawn animation parody of SpongeBob SquarePants.
Can Spongebob keep up with the fast paced life, is Eugene Krabs going to help him? Is he rich like the rest of China rising?
Written by : Matt Chapman, Haley Mancini, Michael Orton-Toliver
Voiced by Matt Chapman and Haley Mancini
Animation hand drawn by Matt Chapman
Executive Producers Andrew Moskos, Jon Rosenfeld
Additional art support by Pier Brito
See the original:
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w a k e u p
g e t o u t o f b e d
d o n o t b e f a t w e s t e r n f a i l u r e
Stap it men plis.
Eat Animals
Spongebob is told if he works hard he can get rich, even though he's been working for years and is still dirt poor, and his employer is getting rich off of his labor. I don't think that's a China-exclusive problem. America does that too.
What the f*ck
when i was young i literally thought this was the actual chinese version of spongebob
this is GENIUS!
I’m here because of SkelloBonez
Uuu niruniru
RipOff Of Spongebob squarepants
Y mucha gente pensaba que era un plagio de bob esponja pero que en realidad era una parodia, todo culpa de drawblogs y su clickbate
Oh my god this is a knock off of SpongeBob
How smoke is in sea??
Lmao,they really tried real heck’n HARD XD
Lmao as a kid I legit thought China ripped off SpongeBob and spent many hours googling it
When is episode 3