Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Will Harris about how animals impact regenerative agriculture efforts.
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Soil Regeneration at White Oak Pastures

| Vertical farming | 10 Comments
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  • Russ Gaskin

    Thanks for sharing this, both of you. We need to reach more people with this integrated way of thinking of producing real food that's clean in the truest sense.

  • Roberto Ryder

    I raise cattle in San Rafael, Argentina. I do similar management to the one described in this clip. I like to think that my cattle is happy cattle. Both cows and pigs. Also horses I keep. Sustaining biodiversity is essential to maintaining symbiosis which is the keyword here. Creating simpler lab like environments is the objective of those selling the chemicals that kill the environment which they say allow greater control. In fact control of larger extensions of land is partly the objective of the use of homogenizing management. Instead of having a diverse, mixed, interactive and symbiotic animal/vegetation eco-system.

  • Jefferdaughter

    Thank you for bringing this kind of info to a wider audience. There are so many details that could bear elaboration… but there are time limits!
    – One that stands out is the nutrient content of the soil. According to Dr. Elaine Ingham, the Soil Food Web – all the macro and micro organisms that are present in healthy soil make the nutrients locked up in the rocks of the subsoils available to plants. She says that studies have shown there is NO soil anywhere that does not have enough nutrients- but the SFW and plants that feed them have to be in place, so the SFW can in turn feed the plants. She works with people to teach them how to make aerobic compost to re-inoculate the soil to get the SFW going again, (like us taking probiotics).
    – Another is fatness in cattle. Most cattle in America were bred from breeds that had always lived on mixed pastures (Will Harris calls 'smorgasboards' and Joel Salatin calls a 'salad bar'), and these cattle fattened naturally on grass. The fat on these grassfed AND grassfat cattle is a very healthy food. When marbled through the meat, it also adds tenderness and flavor!
    Most of the cattle in feedlots were bred to need lots of grain to gain enough fat to be 'finished'. However, if grassfed cattle are lean, they are either the wrong kind of cattle, or they are not being managed properly. Shorter, blockier cattle with deep, wide bodies are efficient processors of pasture.
    Properly grassfinished cattle do take longer than finishing/fattening on grain. However… 100 years ago, any beef under 4 years, or maybe 3, was considered 'baby beef' and was known to be inferior in taste.
    – Much of Georgia was savanna when Europeans arrived. (You know, like 'Savannah, Georgia!) Native people did some management, including setting fires, but large herds of herbivores that were once here kept much of the Eastern Seaboard region in grasslands dotted with trees- the most productive type of ecosystem in terms of mass of mammals it will support.*
    Just a few clarifications, for anyone interested.

  • Jake And Sarah Health Nuts

    amazing. I wonder all the time how our ancestors dealt with pests and weeds. Though this video didnt really go into detail about how to deal with pesticides. Perhaps natural farming methods some how keeps pests away. above all use a bug net if possible