Urban gardening. Tips for utilizing small spaces for maximum results. Grow lots of food on minimal land.
Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA — in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to…
Your cat is such a cute troll.?
I let the wild blackberries take over in a bramble area by my shed, and
added a variety that produces later in the summer (that I got for free
also), so I get 6+ weeks of berries. I make compost from the local greens
and browns and make tea with it, and it supercharges the berry production.
Native plants like you said are super resistant to disease too. ?
Clean real veggies and fruits are the best! Also, I appreciate your furry
I am subscribed to many channels they all have some nice things on them , ,
but there are just a few that i love the most!! And that,s yours and
wranglestars! And why??! … you guys teach us something more worth
than money can buy! Bless you.?
Very good and helpful info. My mom lives on an acre in Arkansas. She is
getting older and is not the gardening type but likes the convenience of
having food right outside her door as opposed to driving miles to the store
(country miles). The kiddie pool garden is an excellent idea. She wanted a
raised garden and the kiddie pool would be much quicker to do.
With the plants growing so close to the house: do you find you have more
critters coming closer to the house (mice, deer, etc.)? If so, any tips to
keep them away? I know a dog and cat, but anything else? Thx again for
these vids.?
You farm reminds me so much of our little farm we had back in Ohio where I
was able to raise my kids….. I really miss it…..?
hehe I can’t stop laughing at that cat. But very informational. ?
LOL! Cookie is the master photo/video bomber! Thanks for another great
video. You share so much information and are very inspirational, thanks
Great info! One of the first 25 minute videos I’ve ever watched all the way
through on YouTube.?
This is a very helpful video! Big hugs & God bless, Catfishchic?
I must say, your channel is amazing. your knowledge on the topics you cover
is also amazing. whomever taught you you must have really paid close
if you learned it all on your own its just that much better. thank you for
showing your beagle
finally. ours passed away almost a year ago and im glad you still have
yours and hes
beautiful. now I have to make a suggestion or better yet a request. please
please please do a
“how to” series on canning. there are several different ways to do it but
the videos here on youtube
about canning really aren’t showing us much. im willing to bet you grew up
around canning and
could make a short series very understandable to the rest of us. what do ya
Great video, trying to educate, reeducate people to grow their own food and
be self sufficient, I really appreciate the time you take! Nice job.?
I wish I could get a fig tree to grow here in Michigan they remind me of my
Aunt in Oberlin Louisiana I would eat them off the tree no bowl needed. ?
Cute kitty, keeps us entertained while we learn from you. thanks for not
cutting out kitty power shots.?
Very good information. Thanks for all the work and for sharing.
I’ve done square foot gardening, but have never tried trellises. Next year
for sure!! Thanks for the great ideas! ?
Furry Feline with Blue-eyed Beagle, perfect Co-Stars for this Excellent
There are three things I love about these videos, the information that is
really useful, the eyes of this wonderful woman, and Cat shares?
Awesome bounty, there, Miranda. …
Tell Danny, Mark, Ash, and your parents that we miss them.
Looking forward to seeing that pup scare up a bunny, or two, soon.?
That’s a good looking beagle.?
It’s quite a feat to be lectured by such a stunning beauty and to manage to
pay attention to the actual content of the vid. I personnally succeeded
several times, and I hope that you are appreciative of the performance this
Concerning very small spaces, hydroponic tomatoes and cucumbers produce
even more heavily than the other methods, but require a lot more
Fruit trees in very small spaces : right now, I’m planting 9 trees and a
grapevine, and I built 29 inches high grden beds to plant them in. I
thought it would give me control over the nature of the soil in this added
root space, and that it would make better use of a space that would
otherwise be used as “useless” trunk space…We’ll see if this method is
worth something from my results in a few years, I couldn’t find similar
examples on the internet.?
Wonderful video… beautiful eyes!!! Thank you for the info…?
You guys are smart, planting all the edible stuff.
You’ve inspired me to get a few seed packets – i’m growing some
vertical edibles soon.
Is August a decent time to start seeds – in Florida ?? Pardon my
ignorance, my mom bless her heart did so much gardening but i’ve forgotten
so much ?
ok so at first thought i was like 25min video on fruits n veggies…
seriously this cant take that long to relay. but girl you pack so much info
into your vids 25min is awesome time. i would’ve took a hour easy to relay
all that info. i love how humble your life style is. im currently fighting
with my millionaire father about possessions and money. he is positive
there is no other way to live life but his, and my idea of living off the
land in this day and age is unthesable and unrealistic. i know a lot of
survival stuff, and off grid living hacks. but i really got to hand it to
you guys, where normally im adding a note or two on vids of something that
wasnt covered that i know, you have 3 times now flat out fucking seriously
impressed me with just how much more you know about the land itself than i
do. sry for lang. but i just want to express how rare im left with out a ”
oh and btw” comment. thank you for taking the time to make this vid and the
others. i knew about climbing plants, but i never thought of using the
trunks of trees as climbing rigs. i figured the soil would be too stressed
to produce both plants. and how much you know on each food source. you
inspire me to pay more attention to the garden instead of the forge. i was
wondering if perhaps you guys have a year round grow/green house? if so
what do you tend to plant outside your house for the seasonals vs the
things you like to keep growing year round? id really like to not have to
shop for anything other than meat but like tomatoes, no sense in growing
them year round if one season can produce enough to can and still have net
year ya know? and since i have a terrible green thumb, ive never really
dealt with plants too much so im not sure on the yeilds of plants other
than what i see a lot of, which is tomatoes, corn and green beans, and i
can work with those, but id like a bigger variety in my diet if i was to
live off my yard as much as possible. sry i didnt mean to leave such a big
comment. like i said its just rare that i see people with more know how
than me on these things and youre savant compared to me when it comes to
plants and id love to be your sponge and soak as much of that info as i can
Great video and info.?
Never thought a lisp can make you sound so gangstah.
Preach the green G!?
Urban gardens, food forests reclaiming urban food deserts. The story of a
guerrilla gardener in South Central LA…. “Growing your own food is like
printing your own money” ~ Ron Finley?
*Does Atlanta have a food desert*? Yes, several of them.
Thing is, it’s not only access to fresh foods, but access in a reasonable
amount of time. Residents of South Atlanta are in for a 3hr roundtrip to
get fresh groceries.
Thanks to +Stephen Waterhouse for sharing this great video from TED a while
back. Ron Finley (www.ronfinley.com) has *a great solution for Los Angeles*.
And we think we’ve got *a great solution for South Atlanta* (
https://www.uruut.com/projects/598) that is:
1. a *sustainable* model,
2. *supported* by the community,
3. run by *neighbors*, and
4. *developed with a Spirit* for making lives better.
#fooddesert ?
Growing your own food is like printing your own money! That should get the
attention of our young folks. Great way of putting it. I love this
Awesome message. It’s all about bringing a community together through
service education and cooperation. Organic healthy food, and people having
the means to get thier health back through nutrition is the coincidental
benefit of that work. What coincidental benefit that is! Very inspiring
Ron! Keep it gangsta!?
See – there’s only one thing that I have to really wonder about… Who the
hell complained about it? He is doing awesome – I love it.?
Yesss this exactly what my generation needs! I never thought I would be so
much into gardening but man am I inspired!?
He’s got syle AND substance. People that talk flashy like he does usually
only have the style. That’s pretty rare. It’s fairly difficult to be
accurate, precise and inspiring at the same time. Yet somehow he does it. ?
This needs to happen EVERYWHERE, not just in the big cities.
There are a million small towns in America that have the same or similar
The biggest problem we all face, is forced dependency on a system that
prefers us dumbed-down, sick, and short-lived. 95% of America stands in the
crosshairs of this evil plan.?
Beautiful, Ron. YOU are a LEADER! Thank you for inspiring me.?
This is one of the funner TedTalks I’ve seen, and it’s loaded with
“If you want to meet with me, meet me in the garden….with your shovel!”
#respect #growfood #growfoodnotlawns ?
AHHH…..!!!! >>>>^^^^^>>>?
Food stamp money can be used for all kinds of gardening stuff too. They
never talk about that though.?
kettle bells like fcking cannon balls?
Powerful Ron Finley!!!?
Ron has brought food to his neighborhood and has sparked a love for really
local, healthy eating. He has inspired me to plant more food at home.
“Planting your own food is like printing your own money.” #inspiring
#viralvideo ?
Ron is a true revolutionary! ?
Powerful Ron Finley?
This is one of the most inspiring things on youtube. (See also The Man Who
Planted Trees.)?
Shrub life ?
#PlantSomeShit ?
What a great talk. I love this man!?