Indoor Aquaponics with a 20 gallon tank. Added a new plant today and show an update to how the mint is doing.
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Here’s a list of some shallow rooted veggies and herbs that will do well in a small indoor garden: * Lettuces * Spinach * Kale * Collard greens * Parsley * Cilantro That’s a good starting…
Cool set-up. I bet if you boiled your water before adding it to your mint
leaves, the flavor would be a lot stronger. I would try that and then throw
it in the fridge for a day or so. At least, that is my plan. I have
chocolate mint growing in my indoor system. It’s just barely starting to
take off. I started it from seed, so it needs to establish itself before it
starts going crazy. ?
Hey, I just found your videos today and wanted to ask you some questions.
I have a few fish tanks and I have heard about using aquaponics to never
have to do water changes again, that the plants will suck the bad stuff out
of the water and sustain the water parameters on it’s own. I’d probably be
looking for really easy plants to maintain that don’t need too much effort
since I’d be doing it more for the no water change thing rather than
growing vegetables and stuff. My question is would I be able to keep
everything all inside the tank? Basically my idea was to make a divider
along the back of the tank out of thin glass or acrylic with a small gap at
the bottom, put a layer of sponge along the gap and then fill the
compartment up with the hydroponic rocks and have a submersible filter in
the rocks near the top pushing water back into the tank to have the water
constantly moving through, then planting a few plants in the rocks. I think
I read that pothos plants are really easy to use for this stuff so maybe
I’ll go with that. Anyway, would that work similarly to your set up??
Hey buddy any suggestions on how to perk up house plants? Mine do great
during the summer months out on the patio but in the winter when I bring
them in not so much! Any help?
for indoors you may have the negavtive of limited space but you also have
the positive of being mother nature. things can grow year round indoors so
anything that gets too hot or too cold outdoors is perfect.
Thanks for all the info! There are actually lots of different plants that
any grower can grow in an indoor garden setup especially using hydroponics.
Aside from the ones that you mentioned, some of the other crops that can be
grown indoors are cucumber, squash, cabbage, herbs, corns, strawberries,
berries, lemons, tomatoes and a whole lot more. I guess that’s the reason
why more and more people consider growing in hydroponics.
Anything that vines you can usually grow easily in hanging planters near
your windows. Tomatoes and cucumbers.
@cortieflash Maybe they are just getting used to their new environment?