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► About Shillianth: Based in Sydney, Shillianth is an Aussie Girl Gamer who enjoys playing Simulation games including TheSims, SimCity, Warcraft (WOW), Diablo (D3), CitiesSkylines, DungeonDefenders, Bastion, Torchlight, Trine, MarvelPuzzleQuest, MarvelHereos, GuildWars, OrcsMustDie (OMD). The Shillianth channel is mainly Tutorial videos as well as LetsPlay, WePlay where her husband joins in and Blogs. Machinima Myrti and Torben as well as putting up ASMR (AutonomousSensoryMeridianResponse) and OddlySatisfying videos.
Video Rating: / 5
Video Rating: / 5
I can't get a lemon plant! I keep going to ocean springs but there's never anything to harvest!
Very thorough! Awesome! :)
well th only thing i have a questoin about….So i took cuttings adn now what do i do?
Ja asaisti5
I had no idea what grafting and cutting meant so I am very grateful for this video!
I'm having a lot of fun with the cutting and grafting of plants!