Welcome to Show What You Grow – E1. This is an ongoing collaboration series I am doing with CaliKim. She has a wonderful garden YT channel she shoots on the west coast. This series will offer garden tips from the both of us, plus it will show off 3-5 contest winners from our Instagram Garden contests. You can win a place in our next video by doing a 1 minute Instagram garden tour showing off what you are growing and offering up one garden tip. Contest details and links to the winner’s social media are below. And we decided to put a few blooper in at the end. Have fun and send us a video!

TracEy Monster’s YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TraceyMonster

Retro Flowers YT Channel:https://www.youtube.com/user/dezarae1984

House of Hurleys Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/houseofhurleys/

To join our contest follow both Kim and I on Instagram
Gary at The Rusted Garden: https://www.instagram.com/therustedgarden/
Kim at CaliKim29: https://www.instagram.com/calikim29/

We will launch contest details from Instgram as we ready for episode of Show What You Grow.

Show What You Grow (E1): 5 Vegetable Gardening Tips, Contest Winners & Bloopers

About The Author