Welcome to Show What You Grow – E1. This is an ongoing collaboration series I am doing with CaliKim. She has a wonderful garden YT channel she shoots on the west coast. This series will offer garden tips from the both of us, plus it will show off 3-5 contest winners from our Instagram Garden contests. You can win a place in our next video by doing a 1 minute Instagram garden tour showing off what you are growing and offering up one garden tip. Contest details and links to the winner’s social media are below. And we decided to put a few blooper in at the end. Have fun and send us a video!
TracEy Monster’s YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TraceyMonster
Retro Flowers YT Channel:https://www.youtube.com/user/dezarae1984
House of Hurleys Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/houseofhurleys/
To join our contest follow both Kim and I on Instagram
Gary at The Rusted Garden: https://www.instagram.com/therustedgarden/
Kim at CaliKim29: https://www.instagram.com/calikim29/
We will launch contest details from Instgram as we ready for episode of Show What You Grow.
I was so confused at the beginning. Gary's channel but saw CaliKim. I thought youtube screwed up ha.
You can use milk cans for growing vegetables and seedlings. Cut the tops off as much or little as needed. The handle is good for carryinh if left on it.
This was a great video that you guys worked on 🙂
I really do appreciate what y'all are doing to help educate us gardeners. Keep up the good work.
Have you or Calikim ever thought about growing Angelica, as you can make a candy from it. Have you ever thought about growing Calendulas (pot marigold) as a companion plant, with the added bonus of the flowers being edible.?
Fun ending. Good to know that slug stuff won't kill my dog. I use it sparingly because I'm always afraid she'll get into it. I liked the garlic tip too. one never knows what winter will be like here near Portland oregon. could get cold. But maybe not. thanks Gary and Kim.
I love the bloopers at the end thingy.
So jealous of you'll, I'm in salt lake city our summer this year was one of the hottest we've ever experienced everything bolted early June. Even the summer crops suffered from all the heat, dry winds and very low humitity.
is that orange flowers plant next to the lady a morning glory??
wait is it RUSTED garden or RUSTIC? I swear for the last three years I thought it was RUSTIC but she said RUSTED
Loved this video!
The other contributors were great. Thanks for Cilantro crush then sow advice. Also, the iron phosphate is great for snails.
Oh, this is so great! Congratulations winners!
excited to find you. I am new to south west Florida zone 9b. I find timing and bugs are completely different than Washington state. I have been desperate for any info I can find so I'm hoping you can will help.
Hey Gary that was an awesome collaboration video! great tips and congrats to all the winners! yaaaay!
Really cool video