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  • Ashley Arriola

    Amazing! Just came across your video because I'm working on a blog post for a "Children and Global Perspectives" class. It's definitely inspiring and has been an insightful 30 minutes just listening to the stories of these individuals you were able to interview and kind of "shadow" for the duration of your recordings.

    Out of curiosity – have you followed up on these individuals? I think it would be cool to see where they are now.

    Nonetheless, growing up in Toronto and seeing the common homeless person on the street with a sign that says, "God bless" or "anything helps" has always moved me to help them. At one point, I was commuting to go home for the holidays via TTC subway and didn't have any change — I gave a man a Ferrero Rocher LOL! But in all seriousness, this documentary speaks volumes, and I hope you continue what you're doing, even at such a young age! I think we walk past people and have that stigma that, "Oh gosh, they might hurt me" or "How could they be on the streets?" We see people on the streets and as a human being, I'm almost positive that more than half of us will ask ourselves, "How can I help them? Should I help them?" I'm on Melanie's point – Whenever you can help someone – help them. We're all human and have feelings.

    Bottom line – we're all called to LOVE! Helping out, reaching out, and taking time to even chat to say, "how's your day" to someone on the streets — may make the biggest impact in their day, if not life.

    Keep on keeping' on Gordon!

  • tenshi7angel

    Meanwhile countries around the world spend more money than you can even conprehend on weapons capable of wiping away human life faster than they can say blah.

  • j mcmann

    A face full of shrapnel called piercings for predominately white homeless people might explain a bit about junk values not present in ethnic families and the underrepresented non white homeless that dont follow anti human anti family media values.The big lie about addiction is that its a disease.No addiction has a pathology.Its a choice

  • Chichi Chichi Oppai

    Holy cow, a 17 year-old directed this?! You will achieve even more great things in the future. This documentary gave me a great feeling and made me really appreciate what I have in life.

  • Iacob Vasile

    OK. I have eventually watched. Good work, but still limited. I wish I had had a deeper approach to this reality. I wish I could have seen as well how people succeeded to make it out of the homelessness. Anyway, I guess this could be another approach to take on another documentary.

  • Iacob Vasile

    When the film maker draws us to the bottom line of the homelessness, we are told that it is due to the mental problems. I didn't watch the whole film. I will do it later. But that endeavor to go around that reason, that and only one, it makes it obselete the whole purpose of the documentary. Going to the roots of this struggle, it will help indeed understand why homelessness actually happens. Otherwise it is just another way to stigmatize the homeless people and make it this way even further official widely through youtube. I will have a look at the rest later. I hope it won't go this narrowed approached, otherwise, it's been a waste of time both for the documentary to being made and myself for watching it.

  • Moe Wilson

    Great documentary, especially for an amateur. I have always felt empathy for the homeless because so many people are there and not by choice. It is dysfunctional families that put them there. In my twenties when I had nothing, it was a loving family and the work ethic they gave me that helped me achieve my dreams in Canada. I only could not relate to those interviewed who mentioned they were homeless by choice because they wanted to travel, gave up material goods or did not like to work. Is this mental illness? Sincerely wish them well.