How to install a roofing boot. On a plumbing vent pipe or stack there is usually a roof flashing called a boot or a jack. I have always thought of a boot covering the entire pipe and a jack is a sleeve and flashing. Typically we use lead boots because they last the longest. That is not always the case as I have seen many fail. I have seen some that got chewed by squirrels or rats, and others that just disintegrate.

This video may be a little long, but walks through installing the boot from the ground up. Fast forward to the part that you are questioning.

Yes we use roofing cement down south here. It is part of our roofing systems and it works. A little overkill never hurt anything. As my boss use to say “Roofing cement is cheap, compared to going back to fix a leak!”

Practical Roofing Concepts YouTube Channel

Roofing How to Install Lead Boot on Plumbing Vent Pipe Walkthrough

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