Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid – Arcade Mode Green Ranger Gameplay (HD)
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Few things to keep in my, game is only 20 bucks, this is my first time ever playing the game, game is definitely enjoyable for what its worth!
Samurai rangers for DLC?
Woah h that add charter the dlcs for this game like spd and dino thunder and megazord two like time force and wlid force
Well it a lot better than justice league task force
I am not a fan of Power Rangers but this game looks fantastic!
It looks like it's ps3 but it's cheap so
Last time they made a game like this was on Sega the Mighty Morphin Power Ranger game still one of the best games of all
You seriously payed 20 bucks for something that's been available in the playstore for free,.since lionsgate released Power Rangers movie 2 years ago… Keep that in mind.
Just bought injustice 2 complete edition for $20 on PlayStation network last week! I'll get this when it drops, and possibly includes the dlc in purchase
It seems a lil awkward with the silent intro poses to me
I wish power rangers samurai were in this.
Give us Ivan Ooze dlc
why the female rangers kinda thi-
I mean uhhh hi
Are these the only characters that you can play with ?
I hope this game sells very well. So that the sequel will have better financial support for better graphics and more characters.
This game actually killing other triple A titles that cost $60. While only having 9 characters
So they lied to us, game was suppose to launch with 15 characters not fucking 9 wtf
There's something off with this gameplay
They should make it so can shoot with your blaster gun
If the game had a more complete roster (1995-2004) full teams Id buy it for 60