small tree native to Asia and the Mediterranean, with small light green leaves, gray-brown bark and twisted trunk; the flowers are orange and stand out on the foliage; round fruits, large, leathery and full of seeds.

pomegranate bonsai

pomegranate bonsaiPruning: the most consistent pruning should preferably be done from the beginning of spring, before the flowers bloom; during the whole vegetative season it is good to pinch the shoots, waiting for them to first produce 6-7 leaves, before shortening them leaving 2-4. The wire is applied between February and April.

Exposure: pomegranate loves sunny positions, even exposed to direct sunlight. Some varieties, especially dwarfs, fear frost, so it is best to protect them with non-woven fabric in the colder months.

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Watering: during the vegetative period, water frequently, but with small quantities of water; in winter keep the soil slightly moist, waiting for it to dry between one watering and the other.

Soil: to prepare an ideal substrate it is necessary to mix one part of peat, one part of sand and two parts of clay, placing some coarse material on the bottom of the pot, to provide optimal drainage. The pomegranate is repotted every 2-3 years, at the end of winter, if the specimen is young; adult plants are repotted only when the roots fill the pot.


Pomegranate – Punica granatum – Punica granatum – Bonsai tips – Pomegranate – Punica granatum

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