Kaye shares polyculture Epic Yard Farm, in Phoenix, Arizona, in Part 3 of my recent visi. Download a FREE ebook at http://www.latebloomershow.com.

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Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound. Sound editor, Christina Horgan.

“Late Bloomer” follows Kaye’s journey to grow food in her Los Angeles front yard and exists to inspire anyone to grow their own food.

Kaye’s vlog covers gardens, travel, adventure, and interesting people. Please share!

Comments welcome. Thanks for all your support! – Kaye

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POLYCULTURE Epic Yard Farm | Grafting, Garden Tour | Phoenix, Arizona | Part 3

About The Author


  • Kaye Kittrell | Late Bloomer Urban Organic Garden Show

    If you have any questions, please leave a comment and Jacq will respond. You can find her on Facebook and Instagram @Epic Yard Farm.

  • CJ Verde

    Thank you both for these videos. Showing integration of plants especially edibles. Showing people how they can really overcome. Food desert can be eliminated this way. Issues with diversity of both gardening groups and plants. Thank you so much

  • Marley One

    Thanks for another great presentation! What a awesome garden, reminds me of yours. I, really like the idea, of a heavy planted food forest, very cool! Now I know the correct name, of my 10 year old citrus tree, thank you for that! It lives on the front deck in the spring,I always called it, my miniature Lime/orange hybrid.. It thrives in the living room on the south west side window during the winter, actually green’s up a darker shade, in the winter months. Every part is very fragrant, leaves stems and fruit. I like to cut them in half as well and squeeze them into some green tea with honey. Very fragrant little on the tart side, but makes excellent Keylime pie‘s! It must be root pruned and re-planted in the same pot once a year very vigorous top and bottom growth. Trim and prune, much like a apple tree, for light penetration and air. Propagate it very easily from cuttings. Right now about a 4 foot round canopy and about 3 1/2 foot tall with about a 5 inch circumference at the base. Much in the same style as of bonsai, with out the bending and twisting training. I will definitely give it a try, with stirfry or fried rice now. Thanks for that! Been a fan now for over six years, I believe. keep up the great work! Btw, did you figure out the mystery plant, growing in your garden? Salvia by chance, it is a mystery.

  • Jupe367

    That music at 8:41 is so beautiful. I want to give credit to your sound editor for selecting the right music every time. Each day, I have to watch your video. It is so relaxing. I would love to be able to have a garden like that but boy I just don't have the time.

  • Patrick Meehan

    Wow, Kaye, they make great use of their gardens in Phoenix6. Fantastic to have 150 species of fruit, Veg and
     herb. Another inspiring video. Patrick xx

  • Jean Mitchell

    It is such a joy to wander through Jacq's garden again, she grows such unique fruits and I love the fact she incorporates the 'taste test' into her tours, you being the best taster of all Kaye!!! Thank you for this great video from your trip to Phoenix. 🙂

  • Portia Holliday

    This is such an exotic and lovely indulgence. Our winter in PA is like that of Canada. A Hawk and Red Headed Woodpecker visited a tree near my window where I feed the Blue Jays. Leaves are scattered everywhere. I get them up with my Ego lawn mower. I use the mowed leaves to insulate my Butterfly Bushes for the winter. In the NorthEast we can rest from our gardens and plan for the upcoming spring. I ordered Rutgers Scarlet and Yambu strawberries from Nourse. I also ordered Jonkheer van Tets currants. This will be plenty to plant in the spring. Jacq's neighbors are getting a real treat touring her garden. Cripps apples are quite tart. I love how she has mulched with wood. The bamboo is so pretty. Perhaps she planted it in a bathtub. Unfortunately we don't get to experience the current of frost. When frost is here it's everywhere.

  • sam yu

    Awesome garden and gardener! Jaq, you are right about the calamondin (calamansi) that make Filipinos like me get excited! And talk about that giant of a moringa tree! Miss eating fresh moringa leaves thrown into stews. As a child, I used to groan when forced to pick these tiny leaves in preparation for cooking. The Jamaican cherries look like a "manzanita" fruit we used to pick as snacks over our neighbor's fence as kids. haha. I agree that its taste is definitely unique as Kaye pointed out. I am loving all the plants you are growing. I can also imagine the wildlife gathering there. Thank you so much, ladies!

  • Tracy Garns

    I love your garden, Jacq! I have two asparagus beds I've been cutting every year for fear that pulling would disrupt the crowns. But, I'll try that this year.
    Thanks for another great video, Kaye!