Pa Mac makes things fruitful on his new small farm by planting some apple trees while demonstrating the beauty, value, and historic significance of the multifaceted American apple.
Be sure and subscribe to the Farm Hand’s Companion channel to keep up with the progress as Pa Mac takes an undeveloped piece of property and turns it into a small subsistence farm. Watch for new episodes as often as Pa Mac can crank ’em out and still run a farm. (As long as he’s alive and kicking, he’s most assuredly farming and filming!)
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. Listen Carefully …shhhhhhh shhhhhh
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Video Rating: / 5
Gettin a lot closer now on the countdown 🙂
Where did you get the trees
Hey! I watched this vid a few years ago, and I looked for it to see if you've been able to make a delicious apple pie yet! Any news to share?
im transplanting a pine sapling tomorrow love your vids helpful tips to the novice homesteader u should make more vids thanks pa mac
apples have naturalized themselves on the truckee river in ca.
I really enjoyed your video. I was already inspired and have planted and ordered even more apple and pear trees but now I'm inspired even more! I think I've reached the point where I'm more excited growing things than hunting.
Good video. I too knew a 90 year old apple farmer, he had 100 acres of apple trees The fruit was so good. We can do so many things with them apples. Time to cook. Sub too.
Alas, this is not on the "apple tree" subject at all, so please forgive me. I enjoy hearing all the nice clawhammer banjo and fiddle tunes that accompany the videos… Do you think you'd ever get the hankering to knock together a banjo? A gourd one could fun, and sounds mellow, to boot. I have made a few beater-banjoes, and they are hard to mess up. (And if you do, you just give it to some distant relative, that you rarely visit so you don't have to ever see it again!) Have a happy new year, and keep building; I like those videos! TS from sunny Florida
Enjoyed this video very much. However, I can't help but wonder how in the world, given the location of this fine orchard, are you going to keep squirrels and raccoons away from the fruit? If you have a plan I would love to hear it. Best Regards,John from St. Louis
I am completely enjoying your videos! They are informative, clever, and down right hilarious at times!
where did you order your apple trees from?
here's a tip, "plant" a carp under each tree instead of the dirt mound! my cox's pippin went balistic!
So for how long will you need to keep the cages on the trees?
These videos are awesome!
You need to make more videos. Love 'em
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"
Your video inspired me to buy 6 different apple trees from Century Farms. Should arrive this month.
I hope you don't mind my asking, but when you say a northward slope, do you mean it faces north? I just read that north facing slopes collect more moisture and south facing slopes see more sun. Had never thought about what impact that would have on plants until this video.
Do you have an update on your apple tree growth?
Would love to see how they have come along in a year.
Superb…. Very well shot, and the farmer is extremely knowledgeable in Natural farming.
Great Work Gajanand Ji, Can we grow Mangos in Punjab?
The more I see ur video, the more I feel to connect to nature.
Great Video Gajanand Pr….. Keep up the great work…. its really very informative ….