Not everyone is lucky enough to live in the countryside or to have small plots of land, even if simply around their home, nor does everyone have a space large enough to be used as a garden. for this reason, for all those who love nature, but cannot sacrifice the comfort of living in the city, for all those who do not have a small house surrounded by greenery, but cannot give up the idea of ​​surrounding themselves with flowers of every color and to be overwhelmed by countless fragrances, for all of them all that remains is to resort to planters: special containers that allow you to take advantage of even the smallest corner of your balcony or terrace to be able, in total tranquility and with little effort, to cultivate the own passion for plants and flowers. The planters represent today, among the objects and furnishing accessories on the market, perhaps the ones that best lend themselves to metric and formal experimentation. In fact, the goal that the manufacturers pursue is to design as many different flower box solutions both in terms of genre, shape or design, in order to be able to meet the needs of buyers in order to better satisfy their multiple and varied needs. Therefore, on the market today, you can find numerous types of planters that are well suited to different styles of houses, to balconies with railings, rather than with low walls, terraces or small gardens. cultivation of plants and flowers, but lately there are many who use them to grow vegetables and vegetables of all kinds, in order to equip themselves, even in the city, with a small vegetable garden to be able to exploit if necessary.
wooden planter

The manufacturing companies, in recent years, have equipped themselves to design flower boxes that meet any need and that adapt to every architectural and stylistic solution present in the setting you want to create. Therefore, the planters that you can find on the market today range from the more classic or traditional ones, which use materials such as wood or wrought iron, to the more modern ones, built in concrete or plastic.

Among all, one of the first forms of planter present on the market, the wooden one, already used in the past, although mainly in mountain areas. The choice of producing wooden planters derives mainly from the fact that wood, among the materials, is the easiest to work with and to shape and therefore more suitable for taking on different shapes, as well as being easy to transport. But not only. There are also practical needs that led to the construction of wooden planters: the particular transpiring character and its resistance to climatic variations, to name a few. for this reason that the wooden planter is particularly suitable not only for decorating balconies or terraces, but also for interiors, which respond to a particularly rustic taste, because the wood, tending to age, gives the planter that scent of antiquity that reproduces the passing of time and seasons.

  • Planters

    They decorate terraces, balconies and corners of the garden. We are talking about the planters, containers for plants and flowers that find more and more space in the world of gardening. Much larger than the vases, the …

  • Garden planters

    planters The garden that does not have large spaces where you can plant flowers can still be embellished with planters. If the pot used mainly for growing plants, the planter used for flowers ….

  • Balcony planters

    balcony planters The balcony planter allows you to plant different species of plants, obviously not too large, to prevent them from being contained adequately. Flowers represent a world of color …

  • Concrete planters

    concrete planters Concrete, together with stone, is one of the materials considered most resistant to the external environment, and has already been used for many years to make flower boxes. The cement able to take …

concrete planters 

<p />” width=”375″ height=”281″ longdesc=”/arredo-giardino/fioriere/fioriera.asp”/>They integrate perfectly even in the most modern buildings, even if they are very reminiscent of the houses of the 60s, the concrete planters.  Distinguished by the square style, they are widely used especially in condominium houses, thanks also to the provision of a suitable water drainage system.</p><div class=

Unlike wood, concrete is particularly porous and makes it possible for excess water to evaporate, due to rain or prolonged watering. Secondly, the cement is also very fragile, so even a small bump would be enough to cause injuries, which could make the planter unusable.A further defect, despite the fact that in recent years the manufacturers have indulged in the use of decorations and friezes, remains the weight of the concrete planters and their unwieldiness, so once placed, forget to move them, especially if filled with plants and soil, the undertaking would be almost impossible to achieve !!!

plastic plantersOn the other hand, for those who, renouncing aesthetics, prefer to satisfy the wallet, but at the same time do not want to have big commitments with maintenance and above all must be able to feel free to change their position whenever they deem it appropriate, on the market they will be able to find plastic or resin. Certainly the most widespread and above all the most used due to their low weight, the range of shapes, sizes and colors offered and the variety of solutions that make these types of planters adaptable to any type of support.

A novelty, in the panorama of plastic planters, is represented by the use of vases that allow the double or even triple cultivation of flowers and plants of different kinds. These are particular types of planters equipped with a back, which can be coordinated both in shape and material with the support structure.

In any case, the iron planters remain timeless. Once symptomatic of romantic and Art Nouveau settings, they were often used to enhance elegant and particularly sophisticated places. Not so today. The factories have increasingly conformed to the scope of the request and the processing of iron has become more accessible and their purchase has become more affordable for everyone, so there are no longer balconies that do not have iron flower boxes hanging from the railing or simply some iron supports for vases, perhaps containing the famous geraniums. In any case, for those who are not satisfied with an industrial product, but at the same time do not want to give up the elegance of wrought iron, they can always turn to a craftsman who will make a custom-made one, even if in this case the cost will increase.

The planter for the gardenWhen we talk about a planter, we almost immediately think of the one that furnishes the balcony; certainly, in fact, the planter that hooks onto the balcony is more common and usual than the only solution for keeping flowers on the balcony.

In reality, for the last few years, the function of planter in the garden as an ordering and separator of spaces has been spreading a lot; the planters furnish, give an inimitable touch to your garden and in addition, unlike the vases, their size allows them to be used to keep the spaces of the garden distinct.The shapes of the planter are the most diverse precisely because they now meet a furnishing need The materials are also the most diverse: from wrought iron, to plastic and stone.


planter – Planters