this genus brings together some plants of Mediterranean and Asian origin, not widely used as bonsai, but which offer interesting characteristics, not very suitable for a beginner. Pistachios have a moderately rapid growth, the stem is generally twisted and branched in a dense and disordered way; the gray or brown bark, with age, tends to flake off and become wrinkled; the rounded, umbrella-like foliage. P. vera, the plant that produces edible pistachios, has leathery, thick, compound leaves made up of small oval leaves; P. chinensis has compound leaves, light green in color, made up of small lanceolate leaves; both of these essences have deciduous leaves, which turn yellow or red in autumn, before detaching from the plant: They produce small greenish or pinkish-yellow flowers, in summer, followed, in female plants, by bunches of fruit, which contain a single seed. P. lentiscus has very small, evergreen, bright dark green leaves. The leaves and flowers of the pistachio are delicately scented.

Pistachio bonsai

Pistachio bonsaithese plants can be pruned throughout the year, practicing training pruning preferably in autumn or early spring; in general, pistachios do not tolerate vigorous pruning very well, so it is best to avoid excessively removing large branches. The shoots tip, from April to October, leaving one or two leaves. The wire can be placed on the plant all year round, avoiding massive interventions, or very tight bindings, which can mark the bark for many years.

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  • Carmona

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place in full sun throughout the year; young plants should be slightly shaded during the hottest months of the year. Pistachios can generally withstand short periods of intense cold, to shelter them well in a cold greenhouse, or place them in a sheltered position, for example attached to a wall of the house, covering them with TNT, from December to March.

in nature they easily tolerate even long periods of drought; in pot, water regularly, from March to October, leaving the substrate to dry well between one watering and the other; in July-August, watering should be intensified, thoroughly wetting the soil. In the cold months, water sporadically, only in the event of long periods with no rainfall. In March and autumn it is advisable to provide a not excessive dose of slow release granular fertilizer, rich in nitrogen.

Soil: use a rich, loose and very well drained substrate; an ideal compound can be prepared by mixing one part of peat with two parts of sand and three parts of clay. However, these plants generally know how to adapt to various soil conditions. The growth is quite vigorous, so it is good to repot young plants every year.

Multiplication: occurs by seed, or by cuttings in spring. Pests and diseases: generally pistachios are not affected by parasites or diseases; the poor ventilation can cause the attack by the cochineal, while excessive watering or poor drainage of the soil can favor the onset of root rot.


Pistachio – Pistacia vera – Pistacia vera – Bonsai tips – Pistachio – Pistacia vera

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