Peter Burke on Indoor Salad Gardening

Today, Peter Burke of, author of Year-Round Indoor Salad Gardening: How to Grow Nutrient-Dense, Soil-Sprouted Greens in Less Than 10 Days, joins us in the studio to talk about an evolutionary approach to fresh salad every day, even in the winter. Peter began experimenting with organic gardening at age 17 when he was inspired by Mel Bartholomew and his book “Square Foot Gardening.”

Peter works 50-60 hours per week but around 2005, he decided to start growing greens inside during the winter months so he could have fresh salads. He started with sprouts, hydroponics, and lettuce. After much experimenting, he started using loaf pans and tried pea shoots. By growing a small amount on a daily or every other day basis but can keep a fresh salad going.

He discovered that this technique didn’t take up much room and it didn’t take extra lights. He soon added radishes and buckwheat.

And then he decided to learn more by teaching.

Discover more of his style on the Podcast!
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Peter Burke on Indoor Salad Gardening

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