John from goes on a field trip to an inner city high school in Miami, Florida to share with you their permaculture food forest garden that was recently installed just a few months ago.
In this episode, you will learn John’s opinions on teaching the youth of today the importance of where food comes from, and the best food to eat. John will share his opinions on why a permaculture food forest garden makes more sense in a sub-tropical climate that a raised bed garden that often are left untended after a few years.
John will then show you what the unproductive field of grass looked like before the permaculture school garden went in.
Next, John will take you up 3 stories to show you an overhead shot of this food forest garden and share with you his opinions on the food forest.
John will take you through a walking tour of this high school permaculture food forest and share you some of the highlights of the design as well as many of the subtropical and tropical plants that were planted that you can grow in a similar climate.
John will then take you to a local Junior High School to show you how this project is undertaken, and what a recently installed permaculture food forest garden looks like. John will highlight some of his favorite plants at this installation.
Finally, John will interview Mario Yanez of FoodScape Designs who designed and installed the food forest gardens shown in this episode to get some insight on the reason for the gardens, about curriculum that is also being created for the teachers and much, much more.
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And I thought it was awesome back when my 3rd grade teacher let us plant daffodils. 🙂 🙂 :)
Teachers would catch me sneaking in to the garden all the time. I'd be eating mass amounts of berries. Can't stop once i've had one… Too fresh and full of yum! VIT-A-MINS
I'm not convinced gardening should be in the curriculum. Our government schools aren't even very good at the Three R's. What makes anyone think that our schools system won't mess this up too? I see the schools selling out to Monsanto and Miracle Grow just like they've sold out to textbook publishers. This all sounds good, but I don't think it will go as wanted.
John. I wouldnt be talking about girl's periods if I were you. haha.
So coming from working at a horse track for over a decade and having the ability to use horse manure in my garden, I absolutely would not advise it, thoroughbreds are pumped full of so much junk to keep them going, hard telling what's making it through their system into their waste.
I am glad you differentiate between Indian and Native American. My family appreciates that.
It's amazing to think about the impact this video could have. Hopefully schoolteachers/board members see this model and go for it. Great work John thank you!
This is truly wonderful to see! Love that they are passionate about educating the kids about gardening! You have great energy, my friend. It must be that Wheatgrass juice and eating all food of the earth. Light, laughter, and love. Thank you for making inspiring and informative videos for us all to learn from and enjoy.
This is truly wonderful to see! Love that they are passionate about educating the kids about gardening! You have great energy, my friend. It must be that Wheatgrass juice and eating all food of the earth. Light, laughter, and love. Thank you for making inspiring and informative videos for us all to learn from and enjoy.
John Kohler you've got the best job in the world, and its helping humanity at the same time, cool brother! I want to see you get some land and start your own forest already come on man!!!!!!
wow a forest in the middle of a school, nice, keep it up!!!
Damn shitbirds littering pop cans on the garden that's America for you.
dude thanks for spreading the good word of getting touch with nature and respecting it. : )
John, you're a blessing. I treasure your videos and your message.
I'm I the only kid watching this .
The more I think about this is john a hippie or some converter for veganism
Schools can grow sprouts, etc no matter what climate the are in.
visit a notill organic living soil farm for cannabis!!!!!