John from goes on a field trip to an inner city high school in Miami, Florida to share with you their permaculture food forest garden that was recently installed just a few months ago.

In this episode, you will learn John’s opinions on teaching the youth of today the importance of where food comes from, and the best food to eat. John will share his opinions on why a permaculture food forest garden makes more sense in a sub-tropical climate that a raised bed garden that often are left untended after a few years.

John will then show you what the unproductive field of grass looked like before the permaculture school garden went in.

Next, John will take you up 3 stories to show you an overhead shot of this food forest garden and share with you his opinions on the food forest.

John will take you through a walking tour of this high school permaculture food forest and share you some of the highlights of the design as well as many of the subtropical and tropical plants that were planted that you can grow in a similar climate.

John will then take you to a local Junior High School to show you how this project is undertaken, and what a recently installed permaculture food forest garden looks like. John will highlight some of his favorite plants at this installation.

Finally, John will interview Mario Yanez of FoodScape Designs who designed and installed the food forest gardens shown in this episode to get some insight on the reason for the gardens, about curriculum that is also being created for the teachers and much, much more.

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Permaculture Food Forest School Garden teach kids about Real Food

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